sims2 #1
Fishmas 2015 - Day 15
Grandma got swum over by a catfish!
Swimming home from our bowl Fishmas Eve
You can say there's no such thing as Santa
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe

She'd been drinkin' too much egg nog
And we'd begged her not to go
But she'd left her medication
So she stumbled out the cave into the snow

Merry Fishmas!
Rented-Space converted the Steampunk Pigtails from Midnight Hollow

And lots of simmers retextured them without the flowers but I thought they might make this style work for a very vague 'steampunk & boho" wish!?
I used SelenaQ13's pigtails with Remi's textures

All ages, grey linked to black. Thanks to Rented Space, Remi and SelenaQ13 Smile
Happiest wishes for the new year,
x 21

Steampunk Pigtails Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 3.26 MB | File Name fishmas_gift_day15.rar | # of Downloads 491  
#2 15-12-2015
Eeeeeep! It's for ME! Big Grin Thank you, thank you!

#3 15-12-2015
Thank you Santafish, very cool gift

#4 15-12-2015
WooT! Another Fishmas Gift! Thank you, thank you, SantaFish! and all your Fishy helpers! They really are stars !

[Image: christmas-tree-fish-982742.jpeg]


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