sims2 #1
Fishmas 2015 - Day 24
I'm swimming home for fishmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm swimming home for fishmas, yea
Well I'm floating down that stream
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Swimming in the sea
Swimming home for fishmas

Happy Fishmas from my corner of the aquarium!
Mesh is included.
x 20

Do not upload to Paysites or TSR.

Apart from that, feel free to use, modify, mutilate, etc. Credit would be nice.

Long John Buttercup Recolors Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 680.06 KB | File Name fishmas_gift_day24.7z | # of Downloads 545  
#2 24-12-2015
Ohhh, what awesome colors. Very MM. Thank you Santafish

#3 24-12-2015
Thanks so much Santa fish and helper fish! Big Grin

#4 24-12-2015
Very Pretty!! Thankyou Santafish and helpers!


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