Login issues
Recently I have had reports from several members that they were unable to login to leefish. I have tracked down the issue to cookie settings and have reset the cookie settings. This means that some people may not be able to logout.....
To make it easier, if you find that you are unable to logout please click on the link in the spoiler below:
To make it easier, if you find that you are unable to logout please click on the link in the spoiler below:
Spoiler (Click to View)
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

I heard from some people that they were unable to post, even when logged in, because the system would insist that needed to log in first. Could this be a symptom of the same issue?
@BoilingOil Yes BO, that is exactly the issue I have fixed (I hope). If they visit the link in the spoiler tag in my first post of this thread then they should be ok to log on correctly afterwards.
Thanks Leefish for finding out the problem. I am so very delighted to be able to log in here once more. ~squeee~