Win10 UC Slow build/buy mode!
#31 05-02-2016 
Dathoc, I used to have the same problem until Metamorp@MTS showed me how to solve it and it actually does work. You simply need to remove SecuROM and run the game with a NO DVD exe. I can confirm SecuROM really is the problem and removing it does solve it.

Metamorp Wrote:Hi there @toxicboy !

Believe it or not, this issue has plagued me ever since my update to Windows 10. It actually caused me to revert back to Windows 7 a few months ago, seeing as I build so often, I just couldn't handle the sluggish performance.

I recently upgraded back to Windows 10, and was determined to get to the root of the problem. For me, I'm running the Ultimate Collection, but I've been told that the issue can still exist with those who use CDs.
The problem for me was solved by correcting two issues: removing SecuROM and adding a No CD crack to the game.

SecuROM seems to cause a stir with some people running Sims 2 on Windows 10, and the issue doesn't go away by simply removing it. Origin will reinstall SecuROM each and every time you run the game without a No CD crack added, which is why the latter must be added (the No CD crack).

You can follow this guy here, or this guide here on how to remove SecuROM from your game. As for the no CD crack, you'll need to find one that is for the most recent expansion or stuff pack that you have installed (if you are running Ultimate Collection, that would be Mansion and Garden Stuff).

Be cautious when browsing the web for a No CD crack, as some sites might contain unsavoury files. A No CD crack is not illegal if you already own a copy of the game, it essentially tells the computer that it no longer requires a disk to run or play the game. However, having a No CD crack is crucial for this fix to work, as I stated above, Origin will reinstall SecuROM each time you play the game without this crack added.

I really hope this helps! I'm pondering creating a guide on this website that walks through on how to resolve this issue in simpler terms (and perhaps photographs). Best of luck!! Smile
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2016 12:57 AM by VoodooBG.)

#32 05-02-2016 

I'd select the top one, and save it.

Voodoo's suggestion is worth a try as well.

#33 06-02-2016 
I can't find a good No-CD crack for mansion and garden stuff. @VoodooBG could you link me to the one that you used?

#34 06-02-2016 
I PMd you the link since I don't know if I'm allowed to post it here. Big Grin

#35 06-02-2016 
@VoodooBG It worked! It runs like a charm now! Thank you! and thank you to everyone who helped! <3

#36 06-02-2016 
@VoodooBG I have no objection to you posting the link here. It is perfectly legal if you own the game.


#37 23-10-2016 
Hi there, I know it's been a while from the last message, but I have the same problem, and I don't understand the guide on
The thing is I'm french, and my english is quite good but this is too much for me. I have downloaded the removal tool, but I don't know how to deal with it. The steps aren't enough clear for me besides I have Windows 10 too. I don't wanna mess up my game. So... I'd like to know if anyone has time for me to explain this step by step? :|

EDIT: I found the solution! -useless comment-
(This post was last modified: 23-10-2016 08:51 PM by Entwistle.)

#38 24-10-2016 
@Entwistle I was just gonna shout out to @poisson for you

#39 25-10-2016 
Hi @Entwistle! Let's talk, by private messaging here on LeeFish, tomorrow evening. Je te donne rendez-vous sur LeeFish, demain soir. Wink Bises !

Edit: sorry, I think I missed to read that you had finally found the solution. xD Well, it's good then.
(This post was last modified: 26-10-2016 02:51 PM by poisson.)

#40 22-11-2016 
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I would like to see if this will fix my problems to remove SecuRom from my computer for the Sims2. Problem is, I can't find a no-CD patch for Best of Business Collection. Do you know what other options I may have? Also, can you check my log? Most things seem to run well, working with Intel HD 520 on Windows 10. I've tried changing compatibility mode and used the graphics tool, and I still have trouble in build mode. The problem isn't so much that it is slow, but each time I add an item or build, makes sections disappear from the picture momentarily. When I take a camera shot of it, it doesn't show the problem. Thanks for your help and thoughts!

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-HANGB6J-config-log.txt (Size: 10.32 KB / Downloads: 686)


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