Naming your Sims
I don't know if this type of thing has been posted yet, but I hope someone finds it useful. I couldn't remember if I posed a similar list, and I couldn't find one. So...............
Sometimes, finding a good name, especially for a favorite sim can be difficult at best.
I have several hundred sims, I try to give them unique names. Below, are some naming tips. I hope you find them helpful!
For ethnic names, I go to baby naming websites for the appropriate ethnic groups.
I also use conventional, and unconventional names, spellings, etc. Naming hasn't been a problem.
Many times, I just make up my own. Those will be obvious, and usually marked as "Simlish".
Feel free to use any of them, if you like them.
A few examples of Girls. I have a lot more:
Aislin (Ashling)
Myxolydia (Musical scale, adapted to fem)
Mendolydia (Elven-Simlish)
Hayley, Haylie, Hailey
Kittne ( Pron. Kittneh, Simlish)
Yngvjl (Yeengvyill or Eengvyill)
Cthehpni (Stephani, Alien-Simlish spelling)
Shabborah (DEFINATELY Simlish)
Cthivi (Stevie A/S spelling)
Dearbhail (DJIR-vel)
Havoc (One of my favorites)
Teàrlag (CHAR-lak-Gaelic)
Takchawee ( Pron. TACKchaway. Native American)
Aleshanee ( aLEEshanee, N.A.)
Slàinte (SLAWN-tcheh)
Quinne (pron. either Quinn or Quinney. I DO not like this for males)
Nimh (Neev)
Niamh (NEE-uv)
Dacia (Dassya)
Donia (Pron. as in doughnut)
Skoda (I thought this was the coolest name for a girl)
SpiWak (Alien)
Argyle (I don't know WHY I like this name. Very Scottish)
Bob (Only once)
Savvekk (Alien-Simlish)
Erik Eric
Cthurt (Stewart)
Nzareh (Alien, also used as a Sirname)
Cthivn (Steven)
Cthn (Sten)
Ayawamat (N.A.)
Dyami (N.A.)
Talmage (Oddly, I use this exclusively for male Elves)
Seamus (Shamus)
Brynjar (Brinnar)
KnuLarr ( Pron. NewLar, Definately Simlish)
I have used Logan for male/female/sirname.
I'm fond of Gaelic. I'm trying to learn the language. VERY difficult.
Currently working on a list of unique "Simlish" names for boys/girls.
I'll post when done, if anyone is interested.
A few last names I like:
Gandersnathe (Old "upsnot" Simlish)
West-East-North, or Southbrooke (Elvish)
Autumnleaf (Elvish)
Summdershade (Elvish)
Willowshade (Elvish)
Springrain (Elvish)
ElderberryMist (Elvish)
Mjolr (Norse. Name of Thor's hammer)
Khzyvfonhes (Pron. Sheevoness-Alien-Simlish)
Khzrdek (Shardek-Alien-Silmlish)
Pyxmyxel (Pron. Pixmixel-Simlish)
Cymovic (very old Czech-lish)
Mac Gabhann (Pron. Mac Glavon, Gaelic for Smith)
Mac Lochlainn (Pron. Mac Laughlan)
ÓCléirigh (Pron. Clarke)
Ó hAodha (Pron. Hughes)
Mag Uidhir (Pron. Maguire)
Cermak (Czech)
Nzhets (Alien)
Vrowcthigr (VROW-stigar-Alien Simlish/Simlish)
Phantargleets (Pron. as spelled-Old "Upsnot" Simlish). This family makes the "Upsnot" Goths look impoverished.
One of my favorite sims, and one of my originals, is my green Princess, SpiWak Nzhets (Pron. as spelled). Her daughter is Unit Nzhets.
Another is Cthehpni Vrowcthgr (Stephani Vrowstigar)
Skoda Khzyvfonhes (Skoda Sheevoness)
Yngvjl Mjolr
Gwynnwynne Nesbitt
Rion Mag Uidhir (Ryan Maguire).
Names that use Khz, or Cth, are Alien Simlish).
Names with a capitol N, anywhere in the name are Alien, for obvious reasons.
Just some samples.
Feel free to use.
Sometimes, finding a good name, especially for a favorite sim can be difficult at best.
I have several hundred sims, I try to give them unique names. Below, are some naming tips. I hope you find them helpful!
For ethnic names, I go to baby naming websites for the appropriate ethnic groups.
I also use conventional, and unconventional names, spellings, etc. Naming hasn't been a problem.
Many times, I just make up my own. Those will be obvious, and usually marked as "Simlish".
Feel free to use any of them, if you like them.
A few examples of Girls. I have a lot more:
Aislin (Ashling)
Myxolydia (Musical scale, adapted to fem)
Mendolydia (Elven-Simlish)
Hayley, Haylie, Hailey
Kittne ( Pron. Kittneh, Simlish)
Yngvjl (Yeengvyill or Eengvyill)
Cthehpni (Stephani, Alien-Simlish spelling)
Shabborah (DEFINATELY Simlish)
Cthivi (Stevie A/S spelling)
Dearbhail (DJIR-vel)
Havoc (One of my favorites)
Teàrlag (CHAR-lak-Gaelic)
Takchawee ( Pron. TACKchaway. Native American)
Aleshanee ( aLEEshanee, N.A.)
Slàinte (SLAWN-tcheh)
Quinne (pron. either Quinn or Quinney. I DO not like this for males)
Nimh (Neev)
Niamh (NEE-uv)
Dacia (Dassya)
Donia (Pron. as in doughnut)
Skoda (I thought this was the coolest name for a girl)
SpiWak (Alien)
Argyle (I don't know WHY I like this name. Very Scottish)
Bob (Only once)
Savvekk (Alien-Simlish)
Erik Eric
Cthurt (Stewart)
Nzareh (Alien, also used as a Sirname)
Cthivn (Steven)
Cthn (Sten)
Ayawamat (N.A.)
Dyami (N.A.)
Talmage (Oddly, I use this exclusively for male Elves)
Seamus (Shamus)
Brynjar (Brinnar)
KnuLarr ( Pron. NewLar, Definately Simlish)
I have used Logan for male/female/sirname.
I'm fond of Gaelic. I'm trying to learn the language. VERY difficult.
Currently working on a list of unique "Simlish" names for boys/girls.
I'll post when done, if anyone is interested.
A few last names I like:
Gandersnathe (Old "upsnot" Simlish)
West-East-North, or Southbrooke (Elvish)
Autumnleaf (Elvish)
Summdershade (Elvish)
Willowshade (Elvish)
Springrain (Elvish)
ElderberryMist (Elvish)
Mjolr (Norse. Name of Thor's hammer)
Khzyvfonhes (Pron. Sheevoness-Alien-Simlish)
Khzrdek (Shardek-Alien-Silmlish)
Pyxmyxel (Pron. Pixmixel-Simlish)
Cymovic (very old Czech-lish)
Mac Gabhann (Pron. Mac Glavon, Gaelic for Smith)
Mac Lochlainn (Pron. Mac Laughlan)
ÓCléirigh (Pron. Clarke)
Ó hAodha (Pron. Hughes)
Mag Uidhir (Pron. Maguire)
Cermak (Czech)
Nzhets (Alien)
Vrowcthigr (VROW-stigar-Alien Simlish/Simlish)
Phantargleets (Pron. as spelled-Old "Upsnot" Simlish). This family makes the "Upsnot" Goths look impoverished.
One of my favorite sims, and one of my originals, is my green Princess, SpiWak Nzhets (Pron. as spelled). Her daughter is Unit Nzhets.
Another is Cthehpni Vrowcthgr (Stephani Vrowstigar)
Skoda Khzyvfonhes (Skoda Sheevoness)
Yngvjl Mjolr
Gwynnwynne Nesbitt
Rion Mag Uidhir (Ryan Maguire).
Names that use Khz, or Cth, are Alien Simlish).
Names with a capitol N, anywhere in the name are Alien, for obvious reasons.
Just some samples.
Feel free to use.
Kunder, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Feb 2016.
I am always impressed at the care and attention to detail shown by simmers for things like naming conventions. I just give my sims names on the whim of the moment (Oscar, Ivan, Barton) , or do variations on a sim name in a family (Jeremy -> grandson = Jeremiah) or name them after their place of conception (Booth, Fleur, Chester, Sandy). I struggle to find names for my female sims.
Typical last names in Leetown : Waddip, Matcom, Deeple, Brett ....
Typical last names in Leetown : Waddip, Matcom, Deeple, Brett ....
(02-03-2016 02:24 AM)justJones Wrote: I can usually come up with a first name. It's last name that gives me trouble. Your list is very interesting
Sirnames (last names) have always been easy for me for some reason. I have maybe 200 Sim families, all with good, catchy, last names. If you like, I'll see if I can compile a large sirname list and post, if you like. It will take a couple days, but I could have it up at least fairly quickly.
Let me know. A LOT of those names are Alien/Alien Simlish.
Alien Simlish, (Cydonian), as in green, or blue shades, and dominant light blue, or bright green eyes (although other color eyes, are frequent, but NEVER "Alien black").
Aliens (Khzydnaur), are typical green, with black eyes, but alabaster, with "white" eyes, are possible.
Elves can be any color, with just about any color eyes, and always with pointed ears (As you can see, I like stereotypes

(This post was last modified: 02-03-2016 06:14 AM by Kunder.)
(02-03-2016 05:35 AM)leefish Wrote: I am always impressed at the care and attention to detail shown by simmers for things like naming conventions. I just give my sims names on the whim of the moment (Oscar, Ivan, Barton) , or do variations on a sim name in a family (Jeremy -> grandson = Jeremiah) or name them after their place of conception (Booth, Fleur, Chester, Sandy). I struggle to find names for my female sims.
Typical last names in Leetown : Waddip, Matcom, Deeple, Brett ....
Feel free to use some of my female names. I probably have a thousand more waiting in the queue. I just named Johnny Smith/Stella Terrano's new daughter "SammiJo" (Sammy Joe), and Pascal Curious's daughter "Porsche". Named another Alien Simlish girl, "Gnasha" (silent "G").
Next female gets "Norvalee(n)", or "Andulauria".
I'm particular about a few things when it comes to Sims, ESPECIALLY the names. The names must be good enough to pass down, generation-to-generation, and be either unique, and roll off the tongue well, or complicated, with unusual spellings, and roll off the tongue well. I like the weird, and unusual..... After all, they ARE Sims!.

An example of how I pass down names, Savvekk has a new granddaughter! Mom and dad named her "Savveleen", or "Savveen" in honor of him.
Kittne has a new Grandson! In honor of her, Mom and dad, name him "Kittnorr", or "Kittnerok".
This exercise, helps with coming up with new, and unique names.
Nothing in my game is typical. My favorite, created hoods are: Smoogoslavia, Simsylvania, Smorgia, South Simolina, Smootah, Missimssippi, Simtucky, Simmesota.... You get the point.

One of my girls (Takchawee Redhawk), is "Assimmaboine Sioux", and she and her family (Aleshanee (Mom), Ayawamat (Dad), Dyami (Brother), live in South Smookota.

My Simsylvania hood, has working elementary, and High Schools.... (GO SIMBERWOLVES!!)
(I have WAAAAY too much time on my hands!

(This post was last modified: 02-03-2016 06:35 AM by Kunder.)
Thanks for your input, Kunder.
It's mighty interesting.
Usually, if I want some special name for a special sim, I simply go online and dig through some naming databases. I'm not afraid of using foreign names lists (including Gaeilge), either - heck, *English* is a foreign language to me as well - and sometimes, what I find is still adapted by me, slightly.
But I can 'invent' some interesting names as well; in my game, the Aliens bring their own culture into the Sim-world, with names such as tS'AniH-oBa (Xeniobe, f), dZakH'Ahdl-iHa (Zacharias, m), dZ'ihA-nE'gLa (Janella, f), dL'eTz-ydLo (Rytiro, m) and Yo'dlaN-thEa (Yorandeia, f).
But I also invent new languages and back-stories, if I feel the need. Example: Yogeopradnyykta, Zyna Ahearboara, draj Zenyhoaba. (translation: A day to grow ice, Xena Aerbora, daughter of Xeniobe.) This is a greeting on Dronab (Tower-world), where ice is a valuable resource required for building purposes (yes, that's how little of value there is on this world). The hardy Dronabi will wish eachother extremely cold weather so they may be able to harvest sufficient ice for building their 'dron', a stairway to the plateau where they will gather food and supplies during the heatwave, when the last generation of Fowl have died, and the next generation has not yet hatched.
And even outside my Sims game, I sometimes introduce interesting names, like a historic arabic figure in my Morrowind game who is a descendant of Aladdin, and therefor has a 'surname' of 'ibn Al-Hadeen'.

Usually, if I want some special name for a special sim, I simply go online and dig through some naming databases. I'm not afraid of using foreign names lists (including Gaeilge), either - heck, *English* is a foreign language to me as well - and sometimes, what I find is still adapted by me, slightly.
But I can 'invent' some interesting names as well; in my game, the Aliens bring their own culture into the Sim-world, with names such as tS'AniH-oBa (Xeniobe, f), dZakH'Ahdl-iHa (Zacharias, m), dZ'ihA-nE'gLa (Janella, f), dL'eTz-ydLo (Rytiro, m) and Yo'dlaN-thEa (Yorandeia, f).
But I also invent new languages and back-stories, if I feel the need. Example: Yogeopradnyykta, Zyna Ahearboara, draj Zenyhoaba. (translation: A day to grow ice, Xena Aerbora, daughter of Xeniobe.) This is a greeting on Dronab (Tower-world), where ice is a valuable resource required for building purposes (yes, that's how little of value there is on this world). The hardy Dronabi will wish eachother extremely cold weather so they may be able to harvest sufficient ice for building their 'dron', a stairway to the plateau where they will gather food and supplies during the heatwave, when the last generation of Fowl have died, and the next generation has not yet hatched.
And even outside my Sims game, I sometimes introduce interesting names, like a historic arabic figure in my Morrowind game who is a descendant of Aladdin, and therefor has a 'surname' of 'ibn Al-Hadeen'.
(02-03-2016 03:07 PM)BoilingOil Wrote: Thanks for your input, Kunder.It's mighty interesting.
Usually, if I want some special name for a special sim, I simply go online and dig through some naming databases. I'm not afraid of using foreign names lists (including Gaeilge), either - heck, *English* is a foreign language to me as well - and sometimes, what I find is still adapted by me, slightly.
But I can 'invent' some interesting names as well; in my game, the Aliens bring their own culture into the Sim-world, with names such as tS'AniH-oBa (Xeniobe, f), dZakH'Ahdl-iHa (Zacharias, m), dZ'ihA-nE'gLa (Janella, f), dL'eTz-ydLo (Rytiro, m) and Yo'dlaN-thEa (Yorandeia, f).
But I also invent new languages and back-stories, if I feel the need. Example: Yogeopradnyykta, Zyna Ahearboara, draj Zenyhoaba. (translation: A day to grow ice, Xena Aerbora, daughter of Xeniobe.) This is a greeting on Dronab (Tower-world), where ice is a valuable resource required for building purposes (yes, that's how little of value there is on this world). The hardy Dronabi will wish eachother extremely cold weather so they may be able to harvest sufficient ice for building their 'dron', a stairway to the plateau where they will gather food and supplies during the heatwave, when the last generation of Fowl have died, and the next generation has not yet hatched.
And even outside my Sims game, I sometimes introduce interesting names, like a historic arabic figure in my Morrowind game who is a descendant of Aladdin, and therefor has a 'surname' of 'ibn Al-Hadeen'.
Wow! You're just as boring as I am! Never thought that was possible. You'll have to explain to me how you make an Ice world! How to "harvest" ice.

I have a post apocalyptic world called "Hells Butthole", It's a foreign world also with little of value. A rusty tin shack is as good as it gets there. All sims have lethal weapons. Other than your family members, there are almost no friends. When two strange Sims meet, more often than not, they'll probably fight, and the loser, many times (not always) dies.
Took me a long time to gather the CC to make this world. More fortunate Sims fly around on "Air bikes". Most Sims ride horses. Some Sims drive rusty old Smoogo's, or beat up Pinto's.... Only cars allowed in the hood. If you own a rusty shack that's more than a room or two, you're considered very wealthy....... And a target. Sims will come, they will kill you, and take what you have, including your wife, daughters, sons, and shack. Any visitor probably will "pilfer" your stuff, unless they're a strong Allie. Pretty dark, but really fun to play.

Those visitors that come to see you in a normal game, are almost always hostile in my
hood.That includes any Sim that walks by. about 75% chance they're hostile, and will beat the snot out of you, if given half a chance.
Only a few Sims have electricity, but only if they can generate their own (Simolians are REALLY hard to come by in my game!). However, I allow one cheat.... They are allowed a rusty old refrigerator, but nothing else, unless they can make solar, or wind power. Most, light their abodes with candles, and bonfires outside. They all have wood stoves.
*Boring*!! Thank you! I really appreciate it, and that is no sarcasm. 
Actually, this ice world doesn't exist in reality or in my game. It is only a world that my sims have heard about from the peers of their God, *Animaeus*, whom they know as Aerbor, the Father of Trees (Plantsims play a big role in my game). The Aliens know this same God as TihrAn, the Excretor of Worlds. And the Dronabi name Him 'Klendang Boab', which means as much as 'Bob the Builder'
I'll tell you about Dronab:
Dronab, the World of Towers, is extremely inhospitable: a huge clump of rock with extreme height differences. One half of the 'liveable' surface is about 15,000 feet higher than the other half. And those halves are not contiguous areas either. In stead, it's a checkered mass of plateaus and ravines.
There's plenty of water and an abundance of fertile soil, but the distribution is a bit off. Whereas the soil is solely found on the plateaus, the water is all at the bottom. After the rains, any water that isn't immediately absorbed by plant-life or drunk by animals, just finds the quickest way to the edge of the plateaus and trickles down to the bottom. Fortunately, it rains rather frequently.
And then there is the odd climate: 95% of the time it's very pleasant on the plateaus, and freezing at the bottom, where there is very little sunshine. The remaining 5% - approximately 18 contiguous days every year - are called the Heatwave. During the Heatwave, searing heat kills everything on the plateaus and quickly melts all the ice at the bottom.
Now you may think that Dronab is actually not harsh at all, and that a humanoid culture could easily live on Dronab. They could build their homes on the plateaus and find ways to bring ice up from the bottom for extra water. They would only have to travel partway down for a short period every year to escape the Heatwave. Well, yeah, they could. But that is not how things are, sadly. If only...
If only they didn't need to contend with the Fowl. The Fowl: cold-blooded, foul-tempered, man-sized, vulture-like aviatic monsters with a one-year life cycle, inextricably linked with the Dronabi climate. When they hatch from their eggs, shortly after the Heatwave, they are immediately capable of flight, hungry and - as always - in an extremely foul mood. They devour the rotting remains of their dead parents, soar majestically through the air, wage war on each other, fight glorious battles, and kill everything that is not Fowl. Then, shortly before the next Heatwave, they lay their eggs in secret places, and then they die on top of them.
Fowl can not survive at the bottom; it's too cold, the atmosphere is too thick, and they would have insufficient room to get off the ground. Therefor, the Fowl live at the top. They thrive in the somewhat thin atmosphere.
So, the Employees live at the bottom, where they benefit from the higher oxygen content of the thicker atmosphere and where they are safe from the Fowl. The Employees thrive at the bottom, where they gather the debris that is thrown down by the Fowl (including complete corpses of slain Fowl), and use it to fuel their fires. The Employees slave and toil at the bottom, where they work immensely hard all year long, endlessly rebuilding their homes and towers. Because 99% of their building material is ice, which rapidly melts away in the next Heatwave.
And once a year they climb the icy stairs that they've built, trying to reach the plateaus just before the Heatwave. Because that is the only chance they'll get to gather all the edible or otherwise useful plant-life, before it withers away. They endure the thin air and the extreme heat while they collect everything they consider worth the effort, and make their way back down before too much of their stairs melt away. Because they don't want to be trapped up there when the next generation of Fowl hatches.
The Employees organize themselves in Unions - groups of a number of related families - because pooling their resources gives them a better chance of survival. Building one large home for 30+ Employees takes less labour and resources than building six small homes for 5+ Employees each. That way, they have more time and ice for their 'Tower' - a stairway to the top of 'their' plateau.
Some smart Employees manage to incorporate some of the scarce non-ice materials in their buildings in ways that extend the life of those constructions. Their Towers stay intact longer. Others organize their labour force better, so they can build wider stairs, supporting larger harvest parties.
Other Employees will pay much of their crop to such a Master Builder, if the latter takes one of their children as an apprentice/slave for a fixed number of years (usually seven), to work for them and to learn the trade. Because that is how the Union Statement says it must be for the betterment of all Employees.
Edit to add: by the way, the Aliens call their world 'Urbi-TihrAna', which is best translated as 'TihrAn's Turd' (he's the excretor of worlds, right?), and they call themselves TihrAnii (Children of TihrAn's hand, the religious view) or Urbians (Turd-dwellers, the cosmographic view).

Actually, this ice world doesn't exist in reality or in my game. It is only a world that my sims have heard about from the peers of their God, *Animaeus*, whom they know as Aerbor, the Father of Trees (Plantsims play a big role in my game). The Aliens know this same God as TihrAn, the Excretor of Worlds. And the Dronabi name Him 'Klendang Boab', which means as much as 'Bob the Builder'

I'll tell you about Dronab:
Dronab, the World of Towers, is extremely inhospitable: a huge clump of rock with extreme height differences. One half of the 'liveable' surface is about 15,000 feet higher than the other half. And those halves are not contiguous areas either. In stead, it's a checkered mass of plateaus and ravines.
There's plenty of water and an abundance of fertile soil, but the distribution is a bit off. Whereas the soil is solely found on the plateaus, the water is all at the bottom. After the rains, any water that isn't immediately absorbed by plant-life or drunk by animals, just finds the quickest way to the edge of the plateaus and trickles down to the bottom. Fortunately, it rains rather frequently.
And then there is the odd climate: 95% of the time it's very pleasant on the plateaus, and freezing at the bottom, where there is very little sunshine. The remaining 5% - approximately 18 contiguous days every year - are called the Heatwave. During the Heatwave, searing heat kills everything on the plateaus and quickly melts all the ice at the bottom.
Now you may think that Dronab is actually not harsh at all, and that a humanoid culture could easily live on Dronab. They could build their homes on the plateaus and find ways to bring ice up from the bottom for extra water. They would only have to travel partway down for a short period every year to escape the Heatwave. Well, yeah, they could. But that is not how things are, sadly. If only...
If only they didn't need to contend with the Fowl. The Fowl: cold-blooded, foul-tempered, man-sized, vulture-like aviatic monsters with a one-year life cycle, inextricably linked with the Dronabi climate. When they hatch from their eggs, shortly after the Heatwave, they are immediately capable of flight, hungry and - as always - in an extremely foul mood. They devour the rotting remains of their dead parents, soar majestically through the air, wage war on each other, fight glorious battles, and kill everything that is not Fowl. Then, shortly before the next Heatwave, they lay their eggs in secret places, and then they die on top of them.
Fowl can not survive at the bottom; it's too cold, the atmosphere is too thick, and they would have insufficient room to get off the ground. Therefor, the Fowl live at the top. They thrive in the somewhat thin atmosphere.
So, the Employees live at the bottom, where they benefit from the higher oxygen content of the thicker atmosphere and where they are safe from the Fowl. The Employees thrive at the bottom, where they gather the debris that is thrown down by the Fowl (including complete corpses of slain Fowl), and use it to fuel their fires. The Employees slave and toil at the bottom, where they work immensely hard all year long, endlessly rebuilding their homes and towers. Because 99% of their building material is ice, which rapidly melts away in the next Heatwave.
And once a year they climb the icy stairs that they've built, trying to reach the plateaus just before the Heatwave. Because that is the only chance they'll get to gather all the edible or otherwise useful plant-life, before it withers away. They endure the thin air and the extreme heat while they collect everything they consider worth the effort, and make their way back down before too much of their stairs melt away. Because they don't want to be trapped up there when the next generation of Fowl hatches.
The Employees organize themselves in Unions - groups of a number of related families - because pooling their resources gives them a better chance of survival. Building one large home for 30+ Employees takes less labour and resources than building six small homes for 5+ Employees each. That way, they have more time and ice for their 'Tower' - a stairway to the top of 'their' plateau.
Some smart Employees manage to incorporate some of the scarce non-ice materials in their buildings in ways that extend the life of those constructions. Their Towers stay intact longer. Others organize their labour force better, so they can build wider stairs, supporting larger harvest parties.
Other Employees will pay much of their crop to such a Master Builder, if the latter takes one of their children as an apprentice/slave for a fixed number of years (usually seven), to work for them and to learn the trade. Because that is how the Union Statement says it must be for the betterment of all Employees.
Edit to add: by the way, the Aliens call their world 'Urbi-TihrAna', which is best translated as 'TihrAn's Turd' (he's the excretor of worlds, right?), and they call themselves TihrAnii (Children of TihrAn's hand, the religious view) or Urbians (Turd-dwellers, the cosmographic view).