Bodyshop crashes
#1 19-06-2016 
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I was bit in a struggle on where to post this but since there are a lot of crash threads here I guess it is the right place to post it.

So a few weeks ago I got the sims 2 ultimate collection and I used Bodyshop all the time. But today I opened up bodyshop and at first it gives me this black screen, then when I clicked on it it gives me a 'The application has crashed, this application will now terminate'. I tried running it as an administrator but that didn't work either. Also setting it as Windows XP service pack 3 compatible won't work.
I deleted the caches as some forums explained me to do as they corrupt easily. But even that didn't work.

I'm trying to run bodyshop on windows 7 from the SP9 CSbin. I got the game from Origin if that makes a difference? I don't think it does but you never know ^-^

The file Bodyshop adds in my Documents folder is attached to the post if this is does show what's going on with my bodyshop.

Attached File(s)
.txt  TS2BodyShop 2016.06.19 18.46.16.txt (Size: 12.08 KB / Downloads: 835)

#2 20-06-2016 

The likelihood is that the graphic rules and video card files need to be updated for bodyshop.

If you go into your game, then come out again, will generate a <pcname>-config-log.txt that will tell me what graphics card you are using.

Then, I'll be able to tell you what graphics card and video card.sgr files you need and tell you where to put them.

How to find <pcname>-config-log.txt

\My Documents\EA\The Sims2\Logs\

when you are replying, Click "full editor" button below to attach a text file.

#3 20-06-2016 
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I wasn't really sure if these were needed for bodyshop actually since I think the program is not that linked to the sims 2, but if there is need to it, here you go:

Attached File(s)
.txt  LISA-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 7.66 KB / Downloads: 732)

#4 20-06-2016 

Homecrafter isn't linked to Sims2, but Bodyshop does use the configuration from the game to set it up - that's what the Csconfig folder is for. It also does Cas in-game.

And this will fix your main game as well.

In the Program folders:

\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\CsConfig\

Download these two files, unzip them in the folders.
Graphic Rules.sgr - Intel
Video Card.sgr- Intel - 0166

#5 20-06-2016 
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Seems that this didn't do the trick. I installed both files in both paths but sadly I'm having the same issue like explained in my first post. I am opening bodyshop from this path: G:\Origin games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin

I also installed my game on a separated hard drive where I usually put my games on since my own computer likes to eat away all the space. But does that has something to do with the fact it won't be working? I've heard a lot of people saying that bodyhop stopped working for them when they got the sims 2 ultimate collection instead of the 'separated' discs.

But I am suppose to run bodyshop from that location I guess since that is the only location I can run Bodyshop from.

#6 20-06-2016 

can you post up another config-log.txt for me, I'll see whether the changes took or not.

The location of the game files doesn't really have anything to do with whether it is working or not. Assuming that you installed it correctly, the registry will point to it wherever you installed it.
that's the correct place to run bodyshop from.

Also - are you running it with CC at the moment? If you are, can you pull it out until we sort the problem out, it makes it simpler to solve.

#7 20-06-2016 
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I did took out the CC and made it run about like 44 minutes (since I was watching a show) Anyway, that didn't work out and had the same outcome as I explained in the first post with the same error. I followed these tips from a topic on MTS:
sadly that didn't work out either.

Also! I think I got a link to what the issue is linked to. I guess I need to reinstall the sims 2 itself since I get an error saying 'The sims 2 is not installed on this system, or some required files have been deleted. This expansion pack requires The Sims 2 in order to run. Please install The Sims 2 before attempting to run this application.' Which certainly can't be the fact that I don't have a base game which I do.
So i'll go ahead reinstalling the game and give some feedback if it worked out ^-^If it didn't I'll give you that Config-log too that you asked me about. ^-^

#8 20-06-2016 
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Seems like reinstalling the sims 2 ultimate collection again did the trick! thank you @celebkiriedhel for trying to help me out though ^-^ It's weird how the easiest avoidable things fixes the issue of the problem.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option