No longer Relevant
#1 16-08-2016 
I'm currently not able to help because I'm having cluster migraines.

That's a very bad headache that affects my eyesight.

And I'm getting them every day.

When I feel better I will return and help you with your graphic cards.

12 SEP 2016

The headaches are gone - but the tonsillitis and blocked nose are not - so still a delay to return.

23 SEP 2016

Still sick. Don't have enough brain to do the sorting out.

However - the problem with the Intel graphic cards, with enable smoothing on, but still not smoothed - is a known problem and I have to set up a card to fix it. So it will be sorted when I'm better.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#2 16-08-2016 
(16-08-2016 04:16 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  I'm currently not able to help because I'm having cluster migraines.

That's a very bad headache that affects my eyesight.

And I'm getting them every day.

When I feel better I will return and help you with your graphic cards.
That's TERRIBLE! I'm SOOO, so, sorry! Get something for the pain, spend a day in a darkened room, and see if that helps. My older daughter gets them once in a while. She came down with viral meningitis, when she was nine, and since then, occasionally has cluster headaches. I would press, and stretch on her neck in spots, and that relieved the pain. Don't know if that would help or not.

Get better Hon!

#3 16-08-2016 
@celebkiriedhel and/or @leefish, maybe this should be pinned? So it doesn't get lost in the shuffle in case lots of people post here whilst Kiri is away? @noiredeb to the rescue. Cool

Kiri, feel better soon. Sending, dark (as in not bright), quiet, pain-relieving thoughts and hugs your way. Heart
(This post was last modified: 16-08-2016 09:53 PM by NixNivis.)

#4 16-08-2016 
I'm so sorry to hear Kiri! That sucks, so soon after your last patch of bad luck :/ Get better soon (for you, not for people needing graphics help!)

#5 16-08-2016 
So sorry for the headache Kiri Sad I've had it in these days and I know how it's terrible, the only thing is relax and be at rest for a few days with Aspirin (if you can take).

p.s. pinned the topic

#6 16-08-2016 
* justJones puts kiri in a dark, quiet room with a cool rag on the nape of her neck

Hope you are better soon.

#7 17-08-2016 
Please look after yourself and get well soon hun, sending prayers and big hugs your way. Heart

#8 17-08-2016 
Get well soon, lovely lady. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers your way across the waters. Heart

#9 17-08-2016 
Go slowly, dear Kiri, please. You need to rest, that's trivial; a bit of meditation could also very possibly help. Imagine the pain: tell it "yes, go on, you don't scare me. go on, come on, come and try to hurt me, you won't succeed in the end!"... Meditation and "taming of pain" are powerful.


#10 22-08-2016 
Hi all I've been a Lurker for a week now reading and rereading' trying to figure out how to get to get my TS2 Ultimate up and running without the lagging, UI issues (not resolved yet) and the crashing. I am happy to say that with the Leefish site, Kiri and everyone that has contributed their knowledge to this issue they are fixed and my system is running even better than it was on windows 7 version.

Once again Thank You All and Kiri I hope that you are feeling better soon! If you see anything else I need to do let me know whenever anyone gets a chance as I am in no big hurry and all of you are awesome.

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