#1 16-08-2016 
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first things first i deeply apologise if this is in the wrong location, i just really need help with this because i am really confused.

Okay, so i downloaded The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection when it first came out. Now i played for a while, had a lot of fun, and then went out to look for custom content. (Ended up finding someone on tumblr who game me a massive 13000+ item folder with all her sims 2 CC on it) anyway this isn't important.

Now at first it was fine, it ran perfectly with the cc, had no issues. Then it started crashing. I made a new family one day and when i went to go change the sims hair, it crashed. I thought it was a 1 time thing but nope. Every time i go to change a sims hair or go to make a family, or something it crashes. I tried waiting in the neighbourhood for a while to see if it would randomly crash. Nothing. I deleted the CC to see if it was the cause. (Nothing~~~) it crashed again. This is really bugging me cause sims 2 is my favourite game out of all of them and i am really upset i dont get to play it now.

I went looking through some files but found nothing, tried to follow some tutorials but i get distracted really easily and so i kept getting confused, im not that computer smart and don't really understand it so when people use these big complex words about fixing it i get insanely confused. I don't even know what RAM is. Well, i keep getting off topic i apologise. Now back to the tutorial i was reading, it said something about the config-log, so i went into the txt file and started reading both theirs and mine, then something seemed odd. Name (database): Intel® HD Graphics 3000 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>> this person didn't have that and i thought that must be the cause, (or something) if not then f**k i might as well just give up. anyway im not really sure how to explain this any further but here is the full config log, if theres something that isn't right please tell me and try to give me a simple step by step tutorial, it doesn't have to be really simple as if you're trying to explain to a toddler. just try to make it sound simple enough... (this makes no sense im sorry)

Log generated on 8/16/2016, 18:45

=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 EP9
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 2933Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 2048MB
Free memory: 2048MB
User: Lisa
Computer: ALYSSA-PC
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Name (database): Intel® HD Graphics 3000 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
Vendor: Intel
Chipset: Vendor: 8086, Device: 0116, Board: 166f103c, Chipset: 0009
Driver: igdumd32.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B78E66-4256-11CF-0963-6536B7C2C435
Driver version: 4229
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.773195, 16:9
Screen mode: 1366x768x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 1632MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

(hopefully someone can help because i don't know what to do or what i'll do)

#2 16-08-2016 

Video Cards.sgr - INTEL - 0116
Graphic Rules - INTEL - MedCPU

In the Program folders:

\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\CsConfig\


Go to
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSBin\

Right-click on Sims2EP9.exe and select "Troubleshoot compatibility" from the drop-down menu.

Also you want to run as administrator.

When you have done that, come back to me, and attach the config-log.txt again.

#3 17-08-2016 
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Log generated on 8/17/2016, 12:42

Kiri: Force Low settings because Intel removed
=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 EP9
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 2933Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 1024MB
Free memory: 1024MB
User: Lisa
Computer: ALYSSA-PC
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Name (database): Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Vendor: Intel
Chipset: Vendor: 8086, Device: 0116, Board: 166f103c, Chipset: 0009
Driver: igdumd32.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B78E66-4256-11CF-0963-6536B7C2C435
Driver version: 4229
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.773195, 16:9
Screen mode: 1366x768x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 1632MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1
Kiri: Selecting Nama base level

heres the config log, the whole "<<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>" is gone, does this mean my sims will work now :o? or is there more i have to do?

#4 28-08-2018 
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Please help, I'm having trouble with playing the sims 2 and I don't know if it's because I messed up something or if it's due to the fact the graphics card can't be found in the database. I don't know if this is because of something I did. I know it's not the computer since I just bought it last month and the installation worked perfecting fine, until the second time then I went to youtube and thought I found a fix and loading from movie intro to neighborhood went fine until I played for a little bit and experienced "The Application will now terminate" please help if you can

Log generated on 8/28/2018, 08:58
=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 EP9
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 3091.199951Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 1024MB
Free memory: 1024MB
User: Anonymous
Computer: DESKTOP-R89B8S1
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
Vendor: NVIDIA
Chipset: Vendor: 10de, Device: 1c20, Board: 08251028, Chipset: 00a1
Driver: nvldumd.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71E3E-5F60-11CF-5D51-28281BC2DA35
Driver version: 8901
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.773195, 16:9
Screen mode: 1920x1080x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 32MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

#5 28-08-2018 
Information we need
The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
Your operating System

#6 28-08-2018 
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.txt  DESKTOP-R89B8S1-config-log.txt (Size: 10.34 KB / Downloads: 584)    

#7 29-08-2018 
It looks like you have several problems. Have you tried changing the program compatibility? I would try running it in Win 7 compatibility. I will try and make you a video cards file, it also looks like you have only 32 mb of available texture memory which can't be right. I will try and fix that as well. Can you please run a dxdiag on your computer and post a screenshot of the graphics tab?

#8 29-08-2018 
Updating the Video Cards.sgr file isn't too hard. If the user knows how to use a text editor, and is given the right information, they can even do it themselves.
In this case, in the Nvidia section, a line should be added that reads:

card 0x1c20 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design"

And that is INCLUDING the quotes.

#9 30-08-2018 
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.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 93.94 KB / Downloads: 619)

#10 30-08-2018 
This a new video card file attached

and a link to a new graphics rule file for the texture memory


Attached File(s)
.rar  Video Cards.rar (Size: 4.4 KB / Downloads: 770)


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option