sims2 #1
[Image: Exterior%202.jpg]

I have a sim who has 10 Neat points and 0 Nice points, so he WILL punch you over whose turn it is to clean the toilet. (His. It is his turn. It is ALWAYS his turn.) There is a challenge out there called the Messy Messlot Challenge that is tailor-made for this sim, since it involves taking a completely trashed lot (including garbage and weeds and general grossness) and turning it into a nice sparkly shiny lot. You can find the challenge rules here. I've also added a .txt file with the challenge rules in case the original gets purged.Unfortunately, the challenge requires downloading one of several previously occupied lots floating around on teh interwebz.

The problem, of course, is that downloading a previously occupied lot is a Very Bad Thing and we all know that you should never EVER do it.

So I made this lot. It uses cc to achieve a properly Messy Messlot look, but I think we can all agree that's better than Game Explosions. Please note that some of the grime was achieved with recolors and the items in question will need to be recolored using the design tool rather than just scrubbed. I also deliberately made terrible decorating decisions. And yes, the garbage can all be cleaned up -- even the piles under the beds!

The lot was built on a Mac with all EPs to Bon Voyage and all SPs to Glamor Life Stuff. It is 100% Mac-compatible. You will see ceilings in the screenshots, because I took the screenshots in my PC game (I have better screenshot capabilities on the PC), but there are no ceilings in the real file. The file you get is never-occupied and Mac-friendly, I promise!

If you have a PC game, you may want to make the following adjustments:
-Replace the wardrobes with closets
-Add ceilings
-Change the roof slope angle to something shallower

Custom content used to make this lot, and included with the lot:
Buyable weeds by HugeLunatic
Buyable garbage by Sophie-David
"Always Filthy" bathroom recolors by paigeturnersims
"Always Filthy" kitchen recolors by paigeturnersims

You may also enjoy Buyable Cockroaches by joninmobile
WARNING: I did not use these when building the lot because it is darn near impossible to get them out of your game once they are in it. Even deleting the file doesn't help, since it draws on the game files.

The floor plan for this house is a vintage floor plan called the "Marge" that I found here.
You can have a look at that to see what the proposed building materials were and the more historically correct roof slope angle. The exterior sketch includes a chimney, but there is no fireplace on the floor plan, so I didn't add one. The floor plan also includes stairs, but I can't figure out where they go and I can't build a basement on the flat in game, so it's currently extra space in the kitchen. You may want to expand the dining room instead. Hey, the lot is a fixer-upper, so feel free to fix it up! Smile

That should do it! Happy Simming! Smile
x 21

Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot Marge for Messie Messlot Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 715.63 KB | File Name Day | # of Downloads 327  
#2 03-12-2016
Ooh, what an exciting gift! Thank you, SantaFish and HelperFish! Big Grin

#3 03-12-2016
Thank you SantaFish Smile

#4 03-12-2016
Oooh that's great fun!!!


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