Windows 10 and Directx 9.0 Error
#1 30-11-2016 
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I feel like I should start by saying that I have tried everything I have found on Leefish, as well as many other sites to try and resolve this issue myself. I am not tech savvy at all, but I was hoping I could figure it out so as not to burden everyone in this forum. I know you all give your time and frustrations to help people out of the kindness of your hearts, and for that I would like to thank you!

My issue is the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection does not want to start on my new laptop. When I try to open the program it shows an error message stating: "Failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer. The application will now terminate."

I have tried running it in compatibility mode, tried opening it in windowed mode, tried downloading DirectX 9.0, tried using the "How to make your Own Video Cards" fix that Celebkikiedhel posted (I probably did it wrong lol), tried running an image of it on Daemon Tools, and a no CD fix as one guide suggested. Nothing has worked so far.

Here is my log file:

.txt  LAPTOP-1RUQ6VJS-config-log.txt (Size: 9.57 KB / Downloads: 1010)

Thank you for your help!
(This post was last modified: 24-01-2017 03:16 AM by mom.)

#2 24-01-2017 
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#3 25-01-2017 
@mom Sorry mom - I missed your thread.

You need to use this graphic rules - Intel Texture Fix

because you have the texture memory problem.

In the Program folders:

\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\CsConfig\

That should set you right.

The Video cards.sgr is fine, but the graphic rules was wrong

#4 27-01-2017 
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That did the trick! Oh I could hug you! Thank you so much!!! Sims 2 was the only reason I got a new computer! Lol!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made my day!
(This post was last modified: 27-01-2017 02:59 AM by mom.)

#5 27-01-2017 
You're welcome.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option