• Ajax Chatbox on Portal
  • Uploader:leefish
This is an on portal display of the Ajax Chat plug in. You can see it in action on the testfish portal. This thing is a terrible resource hog. I took it off leefish and testfish. If I get round to reinstalling I will do some screenshots, but I don't really recommend this chat on a shared/small server.

The Ajax chat is NOT included in this file. What is included:

shoutbox php file to put in the forum root
Portal file replacement - warning - this is a 1.6 file
Index file replacement - warning - this is a 1.6 file

Instruction to show on the portal. Enjoy.

Ajax Chatbox on Portal Screenshot Ajax Chatbox on Portal Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 9.7 KB | File Name Ajax Chat Shoutbox on Portal.rar | # of Downloads 174
File Updated 03-09-2010

#2 04-03-2011 
  • Guest
please put a screen shot for your plugins

#3 04-03-2011 
  • Guest
listen i want to have chat box exactly like with box on portal
wich file do i have to download
and can i set up it on proportal?

#4 04-03-2011 
I'm sorry, it is not clear to me what exactly you want. Do you mean you want a chat box on the Pro_Portal or on the portal. If you want it on Pro_portal, you can sort of do it by editing the pro_portal portal templates - its NOT a portal block.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 04-03-2011 
You can see it HERE >> http://www.leefish.nl/testfish/portal.php
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 04-03-2011 
  • Guest
so how can i have Who is in chat box on Pro-portal?

#7 04-03-2011 
I am going to bed now - it is 2am where I am. I will add some simple instructions for the pro_portal tomorrow.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#8 04-03-2011 
  • Guest
ok tnx
you are genius
i realy like your stuff Big Grin

Sorry, that is a members only option