pink flashing need support
#1 15-02-2017 
Im having alot of pink flashing recently i have about at max 35,000 cc downolads i have some pics of the dxdiag and ill attatch the config and im running on windows 10 it updates all the time

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.txt  New Text Document.txt (Size: 10.3 KB / Downloads: 515)

#2 15-02-2017 

With the DXDiag, rather than attach a photo - could you click on the 'save all information' button which will create a text file.

Also can you let me know the following information:

3. Other Sims stats:

Whether you are on UC or DVD
What O/S you have.
I also need to know the file sizes in your thumbnail folder - that's in your my documents/ea/the sims2/thumbnails/ folder.

#3 16-02-2017 
Okay i dont wnna sounds dumb but isnt the O/S windows 10? And im about to get on my pc and send the other stats for u

#4 16-02-2017 
i am on UC and here are the other things you needed

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 66.33 KB / Downloads: 621)

#5 16-02-2017 
#6 16-02-2017 

1. See in your thumbnails? Your CASThumbnails.package and your DesignModeThumbnails.package are way too big. Delete them, and start up your game again. Go into your catalog, and flip through to the end. That is the start of you fixing the pink flashing. This will make a difference almost immediately.

2. Your Graphic Rules is fine - it is set up correctly for your game. You have 2035 Mb available. Which is probably enough for your CC, depending on how many large texture objects that you have.

3. Check your bedding and hairs, Jonesi Blankets and anything that has really large textures (i.e. textures 1024x1024 or above). If you reduce the number that you have, your texture memory will cope better. Aim for 50-100 bedding, and something similiar for hairs and Blankets. Keep just the things you use, rather than all the things you might use - put them out of the game and only add them in again if you are going to use them.

4. Do you use shader mods? For example the water shading mods? You will need to remove them, because they are too much of a load on your Graphics card.

5. You may also want to go through the steps in this post, to give your CC more room to move.
FAQ - LAG Issues - Possible Solutions
Note: You don't need the CPU throttle option.
You could probably do with 1, 3 and 4, if you haven't already.

#7 16-02-2017 
Thank you soo much for the help the flashing is not terrible its just comes at any time and is scary and i wanted to start to rid the problem before it went out of hand . I have the pond and ocean overhaul
Its sucks if i cant use it anymore but it was messing up my beach lots so i downloaded the neighborhood only so if thats making it worse ill let go

#8 16-02-2017 

Start with Point 1. You don't have to do the others unless point 1 doesn't completely work.

#9 18-02-2017 
i havent ran into any pink yet ... i honestly havent played that much, but i have noticed my game is faster . what are your thoughts on reshade because i want to try it

#10 18-02-2017 

To be honest, if you're having trouble with pink flashing, then re-shade is likely to be adding more textural memory burden.

That being said, I'd say try it - if pink flashing starts, then take it out. Otherwise enjoy! Smile


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option