New graphic issue
#1 23-10-2019 
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Hello everybody!

I made another post some time ago for a similar problem, so I excuse in advance should this one seem repetitive, but the problem I had is somehow "evolved".

I have a windows 10 machine,with 2 grapic cards, an intedrated Intel® UHD Graphics 630 and a dedicated NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.

As I read here on leefish and as it was suggested to me in my previous post, it seems that windows 10+nvidia new cards are the worst combination to make the sims 2 work properly.
I have made some experiments myself to make them work: I installed the 4 gb patch, I use the stand by memory cleaner every 5 minutes, modified the video card and graphic rules file, set the groups chache and accesory cache as "read only".
After all this I have made some progress: I can play sometimes for 2 hours, sometimes for 30 minutes and sometimes even less. After a while the infamous pink flashing appears and then the game crashes.

I then tried to use the intel card: better on the side of crashing (despite that can be abstolutly random) but it gives me horrible graphic issues that I do not have with the other card.
some examples: black water in the ponds (!), custom hair shown as bold hair, and other minor things.

My question is: should I insist using my nvidia maybe with a dual boot machine (with windows7 or 8), does it worth to try, considering that I would have to pay a techique to do it (I do not trust myself as much as to risk my new laptop with self-made solutions) ? Or there is a way to solve the intel card issues?

I attach both my config file (nvidia one) and all things could be useful...maybe there is someone that can read what the problem is.

Attached File(s)
.txt  MSI-config-log.txt (Size: 10.18 KB / Downloads: 465)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 85.87 KB / Downloads: 455)

#2 23-10-2019 
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Try using this graphic rule and tell me if it works better
Unfortunately the crashing, if its not in a pattern, can be very tedious and hard to solve, or at least impossible. depends alot on your hardware,I have myself a nvidia card and so far no crashing, but i still save the game now and then because I don't like surprises

Attached File(s)
.zip  Graphics (Size: 7.48 KB / Downloads: 440)

#3 23-10-2019 
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(23-10-2019 06:02 PM)catalincriste Wrote:  Try using this graphic rule and tell me if it works better
Unfortunately the crashing, if its not in a pattern, can be very tedious and hard to solve, or at least impossible. depends alot on your hardware,I have myself a nvidia card and so far no crashing, but i still save the game now and then because I don't like surprises
Thank you, but I just tried and after 10 minutes the pink flashing appeared. I do not know what to do more. Maybe only trying with the dual boot, but I would have liked to know the origin of the issue before spending money in something I am not certain it will work. Something I forgot to write before: I do not know if that is normal, but after a game session if I check in my log folder, I see a lot of files named "app asserts", "app errors", "app warnings", "missing-anim-a...b...c", "texture errors"
Is that normal in your experience?

#4 24-10-2019 
@eegee91 you could also have added this to your old, original thread, but this is fine as well. It really doesn't matter.

I have no problems running my game, but my log folder also always contains a number of log files with the word "error" or "warning" in their name. Most of them are of 0 bytes length, though. It is really not important. Only the Object-error logs may be important under some circumstances.


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option