4 gb patch not working.
#21 01-07-2020 
@SimsForLife where is your sims game installed? In "C:/Program Files/etc...". If so, then THAT is the problem. Windows protects all executable files in certain default folders like C:/Windows, C:/Program Files, C:/Program Files (x86), et cetera. It does that by copying those files into a safe place. And everytime it detects that the file was changed, it overwrites the changes by putting the copy of the original back on top of it.

If you want to patch your game with any 4GB-patch, it is best to install your Sims game in a different folder that is NOT protected by the Wind-hose! I prefer using a folder on a different disk, like the D: or E: drive, if you have one of those. The system will then keep its filthy paws out of your business, so you can play your game the way YOU want!

#22 01-07-2020 
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@BoilingOil thank you so much for the reply! I'll try downloading it to another place. Regrading about the C:/Program place could that also affect Sims 2 in origin? Every time I would install the patch before trying this I would always get an error in Origin when launching Sims 2 saying something about the licence and when I repair and remove the patch it would work.

#23 01-07-2020 
Just avoid all the folders that the install system suggests. So don't use any folders are created by Windows or by the Origin software. That means, do NOT use the following folders:
  • C:/Origin
  • C:/Programs/Origin
  • C:/Program Files/Origin
  • C:/Program Files (x86)/Origin
  • ...

or ANYthing that looks even a little bit like the above. Just create your own folder, for example "Game Installs". And when you run the Origin Installer to download/install "The Sims 2", just tell it to use that "Game Installs" folder. For example "C:/Game Installs/The Sims 2"

Now there is no reason for Windows to interfere. And if you remove Origin after installing the game, you don't have to worry about Origin interfering, either! Now you can play without any worries!

#24 05-07-2020 
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@BoilingOil I got another hard drive today and I changed the download location and it didn't work when I applied the patch. Still came up with invalid license error but I made a new folder and called it Game Installs like you said and I'm hoping for it to work. If it doesn't work, then I'm at a lost. :/

#25 05-07-2020 
One thing: do not use the "Express Installation". if such an option comes up. Make your own choices!

#26 24-10-2020 
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I have a Windows 10 64-bit computer and I can't get the memory any higher than 1024MBs and I tried the George download listed in the tread and it didn't help and I was having a texture MB problem saying 32MBs but I seem to have fixed that but I included my DxDiag.txt in case the MBs for texture is wrong. If anyone can help I'd appreciated it and yes I have mods and I have no intention of removing any because its only Sims 2 that seems to have a problem could have a problem with my mods since Sims 3, Sims Medieval and Sims 4 don't though at when Sims 4 loads areas an in-game pop up error shows up saying the game failed to load yet the game loaded perfectly fine but that I'm not concerned with and besides this isn't the thread to talk about Sims 4 issues so I should return to the subject at hand. My RAM is 12GBs so I don't see why the game would only run with 1GB but than again it could be my computer being the problem which it tends to be.

.txt  TAYLOR4-config-log.txt (Size: 10.18 KB / Downloads: 370)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 78.36 KB / Downloads: 330)
(This post was last modified: 24-10-2020 10:31 PM by TayMan001.)


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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