sims2 #1
Your sims don't need to be wearing their outerwear for you to Plan a different outerwear. The same for swimwear or anything else. EXCEPT Maternity outfits. No more of that!

BO - PlanMaternityOutfit-GLOBAL v1.2 - allows you to set up your sim's pregnancy wear, even while they're not pregnant yet. Works for all game configurations with OFB or better and a Pregnancy-wear-any-outfit mod.

This mod will show a conflict with Inteen. Do not be alarmed about it. Just as long as you make sure my mod loads last, everything will work out just fine!

This may not work with some custom dressers/armoires!
x 24

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


BO - PlanMaternityOutfit-GLOBAL Screenshot      
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Filesize 4.96 KB | File Name BO - PlanMaternityOutfit-GLOBAL | # of Downloads 6,356  
#9 19-01-2012
That would be the result of the Pregnancy-Wear-Any-Outfit mod, yes.

*My* mod only allows you to select a meternity outfit even if the sim isn't currently pregnant. Then, when the sim gets pregnant later on, they should start wearing the outfit you selected as maternity wear.

#10 20-01-2012
Great, thanks!

#11 13-02-2016
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This mod shows a conflict with PregnancyWearAnyOutfit.package from Insiminator. What do I do? Thanks!

#12 13-02-2016
It might have helped if you had pasted the specific conflict (with its details) into the post, so I would have more information. Also, a link to the other package would have helped, so I do not have to go find it myself...
Without all that, I can only give you some general ways to deal with this.

This mod should show a conflict with Inteen, too. But you're not likely to have Inteen in your game, are you?

What you do in case of a conflict, can be many things. First of all, in general, a conflict does not necessarily mean a problem. Many conflicts are benign enough to just continue playing as if nothing is wrong. Only if you start noticing actual problems in-game that seem related to this conflict, you will need to do something about it.

And then there are still several options:
  • Choose one mod, and remove the other. This is the simplest solution.
  • Change the order in which the two conflicting mods are loaded, and see if that solves the issue.

It depends on the results what to do next. If you get me the missing info, I could perhaps see if there is a real problem. For now, I hope this helps you. Smile


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