Can't get The Sims 2, Can someone help me?
I have tried to make this work on my computer but I can't seem to get past the directx 9 issue with Mansion Garden pack. I downloaded the Graphic rule fix which I added to the files that was most recent that it was suppose to go in. I disabled in-game origin plus put the game on adminsterator as well as running a compatibility check. I even downloaded the GraphicsRule maker software to see if it would help. So far, I have had no luck with everything. I'm attaching my config-log.txt to this post.
LAPTOP-IQCRDMDQ-config-log.txt (Size: 10.4 KB / Downloads: 505)

Oh, great way to introduce yourself... This thread would have fit much better in the help section. Especially the "Sims 2 Graphics Cards" section. I would've moved it there myself, if I could. But apparently, my moderator status doesn't reach into the "Introduction" section. So I am useless today.
Okay, sorry I put it in the wrong section. Normally, I check where everything goes but last night was a little hectic and I just posted without thinking. So I'm Catwhisker9, I love playing the Sims games since I have been playing them as a kid. I was just needing help with this problem. If anyone could help that would be great. Do I need to copy paste what I wrote here into the section that says social then change this post to my introduction post?
No, what you need to do is get an older laptop with either nVidia, or Radeon graphics, install Windows 7, THEN try and play The Sims 2. I have a few old ThinkPads I use for The Sims 2, and I have ZERO problems running it. Everyone wants the latest hardware, or Operating System, and expects to play old games on it.
Windows 10, and newer video cards will *NOT* play TS2 well, on ANY kind of regular basis. I'm not trying to be mean to you, as a matter of fact, it saddens me you can't play TS2, but people have GOT to realize that this is a 14 year old game, and you're about three years past being able to play it on a regular basis, if at all, on Win10.
Save some money (I know it's hard), get an older ThinkPad, use Windows 7, and play your game. I have MANY posts on this website, recommending what to get, how to get it working with TS2. I have posted Dells, HP's ThinkPads that will work. Please go and read them.
I have installed TS2, to this date, on over 500 different computers, and different O/S's. I know what works with what.
Once again...... HERE are some used computers to look for. Learn to do your own upgrades and maintenance. YouTube, is your FRIEND.
Dell, E6430 (with nVidia)/E6440 (with nVidia, OR the HD4600m on-board graphics).
ANY Dell with Radeon, or nVidia graphics.
ANY HP with at least a high end Core2Duo CPU, and Radeon R5, or better graphics, or nVidia graphics.
Lenovo ThinkPad T500 w/Radeon Graphics.
T420/T520 nVidia ONLY!
T430/T530 nVidia ONLY!
ThinkPad T440p/T540p, Either nVidia OR HD4600m graphics.
ANY W530/W540/W541. All "W" series ThinkPads have nVidia graphics, and are the best Simming machines.
Do NOT try and use a "U" designated processor for TS2. They don't have enough horsepower.
I will be happy to help with just about any question you have, but I HAVE given up getting Sims 2 working on Win10 properly.
No, what you need to do is get an older laptop with either nVidia, or Radeon graphics, install Windows 7, THEN try and play The Sims 2. I have a few old ThinkPads I use for The Sims 2, and I have ZERO problems running it. Everyone wants the latest hardware, or Operating System, and expects to play old games on it.
Windows 10, and newer video cards will *NOT* play TS2 well, on ANY kind of regular basis. I'm not trying to be mean to you, as a matter of fact, it saddens me you can't play TS2, but people have GOT to realize that this is a 14 year old game, and you're about three years past being able to play it on a regular basis, if at all, on Win10.
Save some money (I know it's hard), get an older ThinkPad, use Windows 7, and play your game. I have MANY posts on this website, recommending what to get, how to get it working with TS2. I have posted Dells, HP's ThinkPads that will work. Please go and read them.
I have installed TS2, to this date, on over 500 different computers, and different O/S's. I know what works with what.
Once again...... HERE are some used computers to look for. Learn to do your own upgrades and maintenance. YouTube, is your FRIEND.
Dell, E6430 (with nVidia)/E6440 (with nVidia, OR the HD4600m on-board graphics).
ANY Dell with Radeon, or nVidia graphics.
ANY HP with at least a high end Core2Duo CPU, and Radeon R5, or better graphics, or nVidia graphics.
Lenovo ThinkPad T500 w/Radeon Graphics.
T420/T520 nVidia ONLY!
T430/T530 nVidia ONLY!
ThinkPad T440p/T540p, Either nVidia OR HD4600m graphics.
ANY W530/W540/W541. All "W" series ThinkPads have nVidia graphics, and are the best Simming machines.
Do NOT try and use a "U" designated processor for TS2. They don't have enough horsepower.
I will be happy to help with just about any question you have, but I HAVE given up getting Sims 2 working on Win10 properly.
@Kunder I do have an older computer with windows 8.1 on it. I think I had it playing on that laptop but my sister has borrowed the computer so I will have to wait for her to bring it back. It's a Hp Pavilion but it has some screen damage at the top where the led screen has died so there are black lines across the very top. I will see if I can get the game to pull up on that laptop. Thanks for the advice!
The screens are an easy fix for most Pavilions. If the game DOES work, you might consider installing an SSD too.
Give me the exact model number of your Pavilion when you get a chance, and I'll do some detective work, to see what we can do with it.
The model number will be on the bottom of the machine near one of the UPC tags. It'll look something like "HP15 Pavilion f387-wm" or something like that.
The screens are an easy fix for most Pavilions. If the game DOES work, you might consider installing an SSD too.
Give me the exact model number of your Pavilion when you get a chance, and I'll do some detective work, to see what we can do with it.
The model number will be on the bottom of the machine near one of the UPC tags. It'll look something like "HP15 Pavilion f387-wm" or something like that.
Whether it's worth it or not, is completely up to you. That's the beauty of laptops. If you like it, and it does the job for you, It's probably worth the $40-$70 for a new screen, $30-$60 for a new SSD, and another $30 for more ram.
My typical "Sims2" computer, runs about $200 for a T420/nVidia machine, $240 for a T430/nVidia, or Dell E6430, $275-300 for an nVidia powered T440p/T540p, or Dell E6440. Most of them will be i7 powered machines with nVidia.
Upgrades are 16gb/RAM, 240-480gb SSD, any repairs it needs, Win7Pro, and best processor I can get for it.
All depends on budget.
Whether it's worth it or not, is completely up to you. That's the beauty of laptops. If you like it, and it does the job for you, It's probably worth the $40-$70 for a new screen, $30-$60 for a new SSD, and another $30 for more ram.
My typical "Sims2" computer, runs about $200 for a T420/nVidia machine, $240 for a T430/nVidia, or Dell E6430, $275-300 for an nVidia powered T440p/T540p, or Dell E6440. Most of them will be i7 powered machines with nVidia.
Upgrades are 16gb/RAM, 240-480gb SSD, any repairs it needs, Win7Pro, and best processor I can get for it.
All depends on budget.