sims2 #1
This is a mod I mainly made for my own use. But when I mentioned it on Simbology, people wanted to know where to get it. It's a compilation containing:
  • Cyjon's DanceNearStereo and NoHomeBuskers
  • Dizzy's Hula, Slap dance and Smustle fixes
  • Marhis' TipJarPickup mod
  • TwoJeffs' BuskerTippingHack.
This works miracles:
  • No autonomous Hula, Slap-dance or Smustle. And if these dances are performed, it must be NEAR the stereo.
  • No autonomous performances at home lots.
  • No endless waiting for sims to pick up their tipjar...
  • Tippers move on after dropping their cash.

And nothing is keeping you from combining this with Cyjon's PracticePerformChanges, so you also get:
  • No autonomous use of the instruments in Dorms, unless a playable is already performing, in which case dormies will JOIN.
  • All other goodness that comes from PracticePerformChanges (of course).
For now, I've set the requirement to Bon Voyage, but maybe this mod will even behave well with less. On the other hand, perhaps it would cause problems if you don't have at least FreeTime. Although I doubt that. Please let me know if you run into issues, and I'll investigate.

Credits: this mod wouldn't exist, if it weren't for the work that Cyjon, Dizzy, Marhis and TwoJeffs have done. I just put them all in one package, and maybe solved some minor conflicts which probably could have been settled with load order. I deserve no credit for this.

Update, July 23rd, 2011: Plugged a hole in the smustle, hula and slap dance routines, so autonomy should now TRULY be stopped Smile Thank you, Sleepy, for reporting this issue.
x 23

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


BO - Music & Dance Fixes Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 1.84 KB | File Name BO - Music & Dance | # of Downloads 2,153
File Updated 23-07-2011

#17 13-02-2015
@CatherineTCJD, it would be immensely helpful to me, if I could see the conflict report. Could you please paste the relevant lines from HCDU's report in a post? Or upload the report somewhere and give me a link? Or even post a new thread in my Garage, and attach the file?

In most cases, I would say that loading my files last would be the way to go, but with these instrument fixes...

#18 13-02-2015
Hi BO *waves*
It's this:
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Tip Jar - Place
Group ID: 0x7F449F3B
Instance ID: 0x0000201C
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\ZzHacks-BASIC\aCodingFIXES_ForMAXISfail\argon_instrument hack-al.package
\downloads\ZzHacks-BASIC\zzzBO\BO - Music Dance Fixes.package

#19 14-02-2015
* BoilingOil waves back as Cat.

Oh, it's just the tip-jar routine that conflicts? That's a non-issue.

See what my mod intends to do with the tip-jar, and see what the other mod intends to do. Choose which method you like best, and load that mod last! (What all that actually means, is that you should simply load my mod last, as usual...) Then pretend that there is no conflict, and just go about your business as usual Big Grin

#20 14-02-2015
Got it. Thanks Big Grin


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