Sim 2 Crashing - Tried A lot of Fixes
#1 08-11-2020 
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Hi everyone,

My game crashes after I load a family and play for about 2 minutes. It is a clean neighbourhood template with no corruption/conflicting hacks.

I missed out on the ultimate collection, so I'm using the disks with all the expansions and the most up to date one is mansion and garden aka ep9.

I'm running Windows 10 and I've tried most fixes I've seen to fix the crashing:

Hack Conflict Detection Utility
Checked CC
George 4GB patch (although I am unsure if I should be using this as I have 4GB RAM)

Despite having George I only get 3956MB memory and 624-1300MB free memory and the most recent crash was on 624MB free memory and the one before that 1300MB. I'm wondering if this is because of my 4GB of RAM? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Attached File(s)
.txt  LAPTOP-4VQ5VT0S-config-log.txt (Size: 14.94 KB / Downloads: 325)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 97.05 KB / Downloads: 459)

#2 08-11-2020 
With only 4GB of actual memory in your machine, I'm not surprised that George can make only 3956MB available to you.
Of that 3956MB, Win10 still needs a generous amount, and the integrated graphics card is set to use up to 2GB, too.

TS2 without any expansions might possibly run in what little memory remains, but it would not run well.
TS2 with all expansions, though? Sorry, but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that you'll get that to work. Don't count on it.

For TS2 to run even half decent, you need AT LEAST 8GB of RAM, but 16GB is recommended.
Sorry, but your system is most certainly NOT fit for this game.

#3 09-11-2020 
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(08-11-2020 09:57 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  With only 4GB of actual memory in your machine, I'm not surprised that George can make only 3956MB available to you.
Of that 3956MB, Win10 still needs a generous amount, and the integrated graphics card is set to use up to 2GB, too.

TS2 without any expansions might possibly run in what little memory remains, but it would not run well.
TS2 with all expansions, though? Sorry, but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that you'll get that to work. Don't count on it.

For TS2 to run even half decent, you need AT LEAST 8GB of RAM, but 16GB is recommended.
Sorry, but your system is most certainly NOT fit for this game.

Thank you so much for replying. I'm really not computer savvy.

Sigh, I'll have to buy a computer sooner rather than later with 16GB of RAM.

#4 08-12-2020 
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Just wanted to provide an update in case anyone sees this.
I discovered that I could update my laptop's RAM to 16GB. I did this myself and now TS2 is running perfectly, and George works too. I have played for several hours straight without crashing, I have only crashed once because of bad CC, other than that the RAM upgrade has been good, my laptop is much faster too.

#5 09-12-2020 
Hi @teekee,

That's good news to read! Congratz on the extra RAM and thanks for letting us know Smile Happy simming!


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  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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