Windows 10 UC - Could I please get some upgrade recommendations?
#1 29-12-2020 
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Hello! I was wondering if I could get some recommendations in order to upgrade my pc to be able to play the sims 2 without issues, specifically when it comes to low profile graphic cards. I just installed and I have found I have issues with crashing despite using all the recommended fixes. After reading a bit through these forums I found my chip isn't recommended to play the game with my processor. I have attached my dx diag below but in short I have a low profile dell optiplex 7020 desktop, Intel ® Core ™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10Ghz 3.10Ghz, 64 bits 4gb of ram (I also plan to add more ram) and the chip is Intel HD Graphics Family 2000 although the number is not displayed on dxdiag. I actually had to look around various guides to be able to find exactly which chip it is. I don't know much about tech stuff, only some pretty basic concepts, so any help is appreciated! And sorry if my english is bad.

[Image: hym1qUu]

This is the link to the picture since for some reason it doesnt show up:

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 71.63 KB / Downloads: 307)
(This post was last modified: 29-12-2020 07:29 AM by adrienabadie.)

#2 29-12-2020 
You have no xxxxx-config-log.txt file to attach for us?

#3 29-12-2020 
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Oh sure this is from the last time I loaded. I actually found these forums because someone on reddit linked me here. They recommended I download this Graphics Rule.sgr but change the texture memory to 500mb. I wasn't and still am not really sure if that would be the best config for my pc but it helped to stop the random crashes I had while saving and traveling. But yesterday I got one while opening the family bin for the first time on a new neighborhood

EDIT: Also now that I think about it, it wouldn't hurt to attach the error log too.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-KCOPT2U-config-log.txt (Size: 10.36 KB / Downloads: 325)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2020.12.28 23.29.38.txt (Size: 12.29 KB / Downloads: 320)
(This post was last modified: 29-12-2020 08:23 PM by adrienabadie.)

#4 29-12-2020 
Sometimes an error log could be useful, indeed. But I'm not sure anyone here can do anything with an Exception file. But thanks anyway.

So, I looked at both the config-log and the DXdiag, and I'm afraid I must be the bearer of bad news.
The good news is that your system recognizes the graphics card. But that is little comfort in light of all that comes next.
You were right, to think that setting the texture memory to 500 MB is no good. The graphics from this game need a lot more. At least 2048 MB. But there is another problem...

Your machine has only 4GB of RAM (you knew that already), and that is NOT ENOUGH.
The Sims 2 without expansions is hard to play in only 4GB, but the UC comes with all expansions. So you can forget running that game.
And then the graphics card takes its texture memory from those 4GB. So even less is left for the game!

For this game to play on your machine, you will desperately need more RAM to be installed. The UC normally requiress at least 8 GB of RAM. But because your graphics card takes its texture memory from the same pool, I would say that you need more than 8 GB. 12 GB at the very least, but 16 GB would be better.
And once that is installed, you will need to run a 4GB patch for the game to make use of as much as possible. And after that, you need to update the texture memory to use at least 2048 MB. Without all these changes, there is no way to make this game run on your machine.

Sorry about that.

#5 30-12-2020 
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It is alright I expected something like that, I was just wondering how much would be needed ^^

After looking around on the support boards of the manufactures of my pc they recommended NVIDIA GEFORCE GT1030 2GB, as it is the best I can get with low profile. With that and 4gb more of ram you think it would be a good setup to play the game?

#6 30-12-2020 
Yes, I think that such a setup would be fine! Just don't forget to also get a 4GB patch for your game Smile

#7 30-12-2020 
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Alright, thank you !


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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