5 Vacation Related Mods
#1 05-03-2021 
Learn Gestures From Magazines - while reading a magazine there is a small chance of learning the basics of a vacation skill.

Mah Jong Satisfies "Play With" Wants - a simple fix to the Mah Jong table to satisfy any wants to "Play With" one of the other players.

More Special Collection Souvenirs - increases the number of mementos that count towards the special collections when placed on the 'ShowMeOff Rack of Glory'.

Secret Maps As Souvenirs - maps to the associated secret lot for a holiday destination can occasionally appear for sale in a souvenir rack.

Vacation Mementos On Shelves - mementos such as the pirate doubloon and secret maps can be placed on shelves.

#2 05-03-2021 
Hi Whoward69, it appears to me that I can't download these mods; when I click on the said files, nothing happens. Thank you in advance! Smile

edit: sorry, ahem, never mind, I've finally found out! Thank you! Tongue


Sorry, that is a members only option