Stuck in 320x200
#11 19-07-2021 
If you know how to set up a virtual machine, you could try that. But how much good that will do, I have no idea.
I've been thinking of corruption, too. I was thinking more along the lines of corrupted CC, though. I didn't suggest checking for that, because I'm assuming you already tried that.
Re-installing all the relevant drivers for your system might do the trick, but it might just as well not.
You could try uninstalling everything Sims2 related, rigorously cleaning your registry and then re-installing. At best, there's a little chance that it helps.

Really, there are many things that you can try, and it may or may not help. I wish I could give you more conclusive answers. But I'm afraid I'm not that knowledgeable.

#12 19-07-2021 
This computer was owned by an old man and used for only a few months before he died. Then his wife sold it around four years later I think, and my mom bought it and let me use it. The previous owner just used it for email, and his wife somehow reset it but didn't turn off the filter-keys which made me at first think it was broken since the keys were not responding to being pressed. Took awhile to figure out what was going on and fix that.

The version of Sims 2 I'm using is from Games 4 The World. Is there anyone who has made Sims 2 work properly with the particular card I have? And do I perhaps need to install Slimdrivers or something like that? Or should I install something else to get the updates? Slimdrivers served me quite well with a previous computer that I played Sims 2 on.

Edit: Renamed old log and created new one. Still lists my graphics card as "Not in Database". I'm uploading it here, see what you make of it. What am I doing wrong? I had used the Graphic Rules Maker so my card should be in the database. Is there anything extra I need to do to get it to work?

I've also done a few Kiri tweaks to force it to recognize more than 32mb. No matter what I do, the log STILL lists texture memory as 32mb. That's probably the issue with the resolution. I'm using Windows 10 Home. What other tweaks do I need to do to fix this problem? How do I force the program to recognize more than 32mb texture memory? This is getting annoying!

Attached File(s)
.txt  LAPTOP-CNJSGJD5-config-log.txt (Size: 10.4 KB / Downloads: 235)
(This post was last modified: 20-07-2021 12:41 AM by DollyNipples.)

#13 24-07-2021 
Apparently my post was eaten by the forum or deleted?

The config shows that GRM settings are not being saved, or if you have used it on the correct game. GRM does work for other games, so make sure you choosing the correct game path. You may have to browse to find the pirated one as it is not the default install location as the Origin version. If you installed it in program files, you will also need to run GRM as admin.

#14 25-07-2021 
(24-07-2021 12:38 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Apparently my post was eaten by the forum or deleted?

The config shows that GRM settings are not being saved, or if you have used it on the correct game. GRM does work for other games, so make sure you choosing the correct game path. You may have to browse to find the pirated one as it is not the default install location as the Origin version. If you installed it in program files, you will also need to run GRM as admin.

Thank you. Been wracking my brain trying to figure out what is wrong. Thought GRM had found the game path automatically. Weird program. I'll play around with it to see if I can make it work. Will make a new post if and when I need to update on the issue.

#15 27-07-2021 
Be sure to run the GRM with administrator settings. Good Luck!

#16 27-07-2021 

I ran it with administrator settings. Still stuck in 320x200. Is there anything I missed?

#17 27-07-2021 
Is: Intel® HD Graphics 620 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>> your best video card?
You need to be sure it's added to the database, BUT - if you have a better card, I'd use that Wink

Memory: 2048MB - might not be enough RAM to run TS2 to your satisfaction?

As for getting the GRM to work/save settings - you might want to post in their discord about issues:

I've just got back from a 2-week vacation and am not completely caught-up on everything - so, if this has already been mentioned, please disregard my butting in Wink

#18 27-07-2021 
I thought that the 2048 mb ram was the texture memory, not the other memory. I have more than 2048 mb ram total to run stuff, since this computer was made probably in 2017. Also, the GRM does save the settings - I checked the graphics rules and stuff, and they WERE saved. Might have to attach the files made by GRM in my next post.
(This post was last modified: 27-07-2021 07:37 PM by DollyNipples.)

#19 27-07-2021 
I believe that is total memory...
You have this listed further down: Texture memory: 32MB

...yes, please post your latest ConfigLog - if the GRM worked, then the config log will be changed.

Can you also post a DxDiag report? NVM, I found it above... Yes, you've only got the one graphics card. And 8gb RAM - so, you should be able to manage TS2 just fine.

#20 27-07-2021 
I don't know if this will do any good, but here it is. This is getting so frustrating! I just want to set Sims 2 to maybe 800x600 since my monitor is pretty low resolution. I'm not asking for the moon - I must want to play Sims 2 in a somewhat decent resolution! What else am I missing?

Attached File(s)
.txt  LAPTOP-CNJSGJD5-config-log.txt (Size: 10.4 KB / Downloads: 234)


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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