Stuck in 320x200
#21 28-07-2021 
Hi Gina,

After all our efforts, it seems that your system has not changed a single bit: it still reads 2GB of memory and only 32MB of texture memory, and your graphics card is still not recognized in the Database. None of our suggestions have been working at all.
It really seems like all the important files on your system are write-protected, or otherwise exempted from any changes.

I'm going to suggest something different this time. Go to the folder where your Sims2EP9.exe file is stored, and then go into the folder /TSData/Res/Config. Select the file Grsaphics Rules.sgr and right-click on it. Then select the bottom line (Properties) and see if the Read-Only option is checked. If so, UNcheck it! Do the same for Video Cards.sgr. Then go to the folder TSData/Res/CSConfig and do the same things.

If any of the files were set to read-only, then THAT must have been the problem. But if not, then I can see only one more solution: uninstall the game, and remove all its references from the registry, before you reinstall. Unless Lunie or Cat has some better suggestion, ofcourse.
Damn, I'm almost inclined to invoke the @celebkiriedhel incantation, and see if we can get the legendary Kiri to descend to our realm...

#22 28-07-2021 
Neither is read-only. I checked. I have write access to both of them. I assume that means other programs have read/write access to them as well.

#23 28-07-2021 
Yes, it is reasonable to assume that. I'm sorry, Gina, but then I'm completely out of suggestions. If nobody else shows up with a good tip, I think you must uninstall and start over... But if you *do* plan to do that, please first wait a few days to see if someone else has a better idea.

#24 28-07-2021 
I think I just solved the problem. The shortcut was pointing to the wrong folder - probably to either the fix or something else... but it was pointing to downloads. That gave me a clue. I just changed where the shortcut pointed to and wow... when I loaded Riverblossom Hills I could SEE the difference. I was wondering why it wasn't responding to my userstartup.cheat file. So weird... I had just made a shortcut to the wrong .exe file... NO WONDER it wasn't responding to my instructions no matter what I put in.

This might belong in a FAQ or something. Very important because it's something that was taught and emphasized in a Photoshop class I was taking in College - if you can't do something, ask yourself what is selected.

#25 28-07-2021 
Hi Gina... GOOD! But the shortcut to WHICH file are you talking about? And can we see your newest config-log now, please? It would be a boon to us all if we knew that we did some good in the end after all Smile

#26 28-07-2021 
The shortcut was pointing to the exe file in my downloads folder for some reason instead of in the Program Files x86 folder... someone in the Discord asked me that and I pasted the path, and that got me thinking. So I looked at the location in the folder that I had the game installed in and then at the shortcut and the shortcut was not pointing to the proper folder. I just went and changed the shortcut to point to the right exe file and now it's working!

Here's the log file...

Attached File(s)
.txt  LAPTOP-CNJSGJD5-config-log.txt (Size: 10.64 KB / Downloads: 237)

#27 28-07-2021 
Hi Gina,

Yeah, the shortcut pointing to the wrong folder can have weird consequences.

Thank you for the new config-log; it looks a lot better now.
I would, however, make one suggestion: your texture memory is now set at its maximum of 4181MB. As a result, you have only 2356 out of 4096 MB of system RAM free. This may result in the game starting to lag... if that happens, you could try lowering your texture memory a bit... perhaps to 3072 MB. That way, you'll have a full GB extra system RAM for the game. As long as everything works, you don't have to do this right away. Just be aware that the option is available, if need be.

#28 28-07-2021 
Thank you for the advice! I might actually change it so I don't get lag. I don't want the game to completely hog my resources.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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