sims 2 UC crash
#1 10-11-2021 
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So, I have to reinstalling the game ( UC). I put back my old files ( saves folders. etc) but when I loaded my lot, the game crashed in build mode. I use to try everything: 4GB patch ( I was trying to install it, but my sims29 exe file is in mansion and garden stuff folder not the pets folder. run as administrator, run in compaitability mod.
I have win 8.1 and Nvidia card.
Can somebody help me? I really would like to play with sims 2. :/

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#2 10-11-2021 
Hi @FishDictator:3,

Would you please explain why, instead of just attaching the config-log.txt file to the post, you chose to OPEN that file in a text editor, make a photograph of the screen -- which shows only PART of the file -- and then attach that picture? This is not very helpful. So could you please try that the normal way?

#3 10-11-2021 
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Sorry. Here's the file.

Attached File(s)
.txt  VAIO-config-log.txt (Size: 10.62 KB / Downloads: 232)

#4 10-11-2021 
Hi, that looks a lot better, thanks.
It looks from the log file that your game recognizes more than 2 GB of RAM, which means that your game DOES start from the patched exe. Therefor, for now, I would not worry too much that the Sims2 EP9.exe file seems to be in the wrong folder.

But I'm seeing some things that make me wonder...For instance, what worries me, is the low number for Free Memory, and the weird Texture Memory setting (and also why the "Force Texture Memory" setting is being used...). And there's also some concern about the Total Memory value. So, if you could please also run DXdiag.exe, have it save all data and then attach the resulting DXdiag.txt in the following post, maybe we can find out how these numbers came to be what they are.

I wonder why we see so many log files, lately, that show the "Force Texture Memory" setting being used... Usually, that setting should not at all be necessary.

#5 10-11-2021 
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Here you are. I hope it makes clearer.
Am.. about that: Maybe because I tried install 4gb patch more than once. This patch fixed this problem on my previous laptop.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 83.68 KB / Downloads: 273)

#6 10-11-2021 
(10-11-2021 01:36 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  I wonder why we see so many log files, lately, that show the "Force Texture Memory" setting being used... Usually, that setting should not at all be necessary.
Because the users are ticking the box to Force Texture Memory. Big Grin

#7 11-11-2021 
(10-11-2021 08:34 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Because the users are ticking the box to Force Texture Memory. Big Grin

Rofl Big Grin Tongue

Hahahaha, that seems self-evident, actually, except that I didn't want to assume. For all I -- as a non-user -- know, GRM automatically ticks that box. But apparently, as follows from your comment, it does not! Which now raises the question: WHY do people tick that box? For years and years, countless people have managed to properly set Texture Memory without forcing anything. And forcing it doesn't allow the system to take into account a lot of the circumstances that would otherwise require a different Texture Memory setting.

#8 11-11-2021 
@FishDictator:3, thanks again for so promptly supplying us with useful information. It really helps. And, yes, it DOES make some things clearer.

First of all, your system has only 4GB in total to work with. Which is a quite a bit short of what you need to run TS2 with all the expansions (which the UC actually is), especially, if you're going to use, or are already using, a bunch of CC. Heck, even without CC, I wouldn't advise expecting to comfortably run the UC on a system with less than 8GB system RAM.

Worse: of the 4GB of system RAM that you have, only 1652 MB are free after loading the game... That is most certainly not going to do, no matter how much we all would want it to.

And then your Graphics Card: it has only 32 MB of dedicated memory. So any Texture memory that you choose MORE than this 32 MB, must all come from the 4GB system memory... correction: it must come from the 1652 MB of free memory. And then you have ticked "Force Texture Memory" and set it to 2964 MB, which is almost twice as much as the free memory that you have. In other words: your game is supposed to work with NEGATIVE memory... No wonder it crashes in no time! And that's not even considering Build mode... That mode requires a lot of building elements and furniture models to be loaded in memory -- in your case, in memory that does not seem to exist, even... You're actually asking the impossible of your computer.

I just HAVE to tell you to open GRM again, and to turn this "Force Texture Memory" setting OFF. Let the system try to find a number it can work with on its own. Or, if you feel you must, set it to 1568 or 2080 MB. But in ALL cases, leave the "Force Texture Memory" setting OFF. And I'm not sure either of the proposed settings are going to fix your problem.

If you want to be able to play this game properly, your system just desperately NEEDS a hardware upgrade to AT LEAST 8 GB, but preferrably 12 or 16 GB.
If this hardware update is out of the question, you can try anything else that you like, but playing TS2 UC willl always remain problematic. I'm sorry to say it, but that is just how it is.

Good luck,
~ BO

#9 11-11-2021 
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Thank you for your advise. I know some people say that, it's quite inpossible running smoothly sims 2 on win 8.1. I could accept that, but It worked quite well before. There was no crashing, just purple flashing. I wanted to fix that, and because of some "bad" advise, thesims2EP9 exe became useless. When I reinstalled it, and returned the saves folder and downloads, the error happened.
So, maybe installation file was bad, or i instaled it to wrong place.
I going to check my mods, maybe that's caused the problem.


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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