• Cut Outs! New Shelves for Clutter-a-holics
  • Creator: mustluvcatz
sims2 #1
Mustluvcatz Wrote:Inspired by Ogularama's wall shelf - a new shelving system for your sims. These are meant to go IN the wall like the shelf that inspired them. If you have Nightlife and Apartment Life, you can also have shelves on a half-wall. Each shelf has 3 slots for a total of 9 slots.
No cheats are needed to place any of the meshes. Sims can not walk through them either- so no worries about your sims walking through the walls. Smile
x 5

With credit and a link, please DO:

- make recolours of my meshes and redistribute the meshes together with your recolours

- include my Bodyshop items with your Sims and my objects with your lots

- use my creations in screenshots, movies or stories; credit is appreciated, but in no way required

But please DON'T:

- take my work and claim it as your own

- upload my work as-is on any website or forum

- use my textures as a base for your recolours

- upload my work on pay/donation sites or to The Sims Resource - yes, that's even though TSR are supposed to be "nice" these days.

- alter or convert my meshes without permission

Thank you for downloading, and Happy Simming!

Cut Outs! New Shelves for Clutter-a-holics Screenshot Cut Outs! New Shelves for Clutter-a-holics Screenshot    
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#5 24-04-2012
Yes, the holes are actually windows- even though the wider one doesn't have a complete frame. Which is why 2 of the shelves have a frame on one side..and that's because I didn't want anything breaking up the seamless look you can get with those parts. And, I talk too much sometimes. So many words to say there's no problem using wallpapers. Smile

#6 24-04-2012
Oh great. That is what I meant - does it have a border so that you don't get the cutout showing. Neat.

* leefish goes and gets them

#7 25-04-2012
Nice! My Sims love clutter! Or maybe I love my Sims having clutter lol.


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