Coffin for Fansee (Vampire Bed)
#111 29-07-2012 
NixNivis;15262 Wrote:Hmmm... now I had another idea, what if the music box increased the environment score for all Sims in the room when it started playing? Or would that be silly?

That would be awesome!

#112 29-07-2012 
Just so ya know - all the edits are done and files posted (again) @ MTS. Smile

#113 29-07-2012 
OK, I have another task I am busy on - will get to pics ASAP ...
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#114 29-07-2012 
And I'm putting together a collection file so if anyone wants their items in the collection, please post them in our MTS group (only team members and MTS staff can access the group). Even if the object still needs editing I can add it to the collection file and the complete object will appear in the collection later. At least I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

So far the collection has the vampire bed, dresser, daystand, shelf, and desk, and my decorative Tru Blood bottles (which would only appear if you have them in your game of course). I'd love to add the chair and music box. Oops and I will add Shell's bears too... duh. So many things to remember! Anything else that should be added?

#115 29-07-2012 
I had to edit the dresser so there's a new attachment for it. Fansee said it required OFB according to the show EP cheat. That was a serious wft?? moment for me since I have never, ever checked OFB in the file table/SimPE Preferences. I did check out my edit, it now says Available in Sims 2, throws no errors, works as expected and should be the final version.

Ohhhh.. you want the chair in the collection too? I'll add that to my last post @ MTS. Does anyone know when the vampire bed stuff will be uploaded? I should upload the chair at the same time.

#116 29-07-2012 
This is getting really exciting and I don't even like vampire stuff! But I must admit I've enjoyed reading all the exciting posts about it and look forward to seeing the finished results of all of your hard work.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#117 29-07-2012 
Of course the chair should be part of the collection! You made it as part of the set after all. It looks great, very Ikea like... which is the point of this set!

As for the timeline: Lee has graciously volunteered to take pics. I'm finalizing the collection file. Then I'll sort everything into RAR files as discussed, and compose the upload post. Once the files and pics are gathered and mock upload post is done, we'll let group members look it over and make corrections as needed. So everyone in the group will be in the loop, and you'll have plenty of warning to get that chair uploaded. Smile

#118 30-07-2012 
@Karen, I don't really like vampire stuff, either. But then Lee started talking about a music box and I had the idea of making one that was animated... and then it went rapidly downhill from there. Wink

@Crew, the music box is up in the group - but I just realised it's too big to fit on MLC's shelves. Dangit. Sad

MLC has made me promise not to touch the music box, so it'll stay the size it is now. Which makes me happy, 'cause then I won't have to move joints around. Smile

#119 31-07-2012 
Group members: Please look over the WIP Upload Post and leave your feedback in that thread. I think it's basically complete but questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

Now we just need pics, which Lee has graciously offered to take. She's awesome at object pics so this excites me. No rush though! Take all the time you need, Lee, and just let us know if you've changed your mind and we'll get someone else on it. Smile

#120 07-08-2012 
Okay team, I think we're ready to upload. Please look over the WIP post and let me know if anything needs fixing. If it looks okay I'll go ahead and submit it through the upload wizard!


Sorry, that is a members only option