Lot Adjuster with AGS
#1 31-01-2015 
Can I trade my head in for someone else's? I've forgotten how to make Lot Adjuster find my lots in AGS. Sad

I've just posted this over on MTS. http://classic.modthesims.info/showthrea...did=334971

I feel I must be doing it wrong but can't for the life of me remember what I should be doing. Going via browse just takes me through folders and there is nothing to open.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.

#2 31-01-2015 
Answered you on MTS Smile

#3 31-01-2015 
[Image: yourock.gif] I answerd over on MTS as well. [Image: thankyou.gif]


Sorry, that is a members only option