Sims 2, Graphics and Windows 10
#121 18-09-2015 
Found my Config Log

Attached File(s)
.txt  -config-log.txt (Size: 10.31 KB / Downloads: 396)

#122 18-09-2015 
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I know this has already been looked at, but I'm having problems with my sims 2 being stuck in the smallest resolution now that I've updated to windows 10. I've tried the other fixes provided in this thread, but they haven't worked for me.

Attached File(s)
.txt  BELLE-config-log.txt (Size: 10.35 KB / Downloads: 374)

#123 23-09-2015 
I found the SOLUTION!

At least this was a solution for me! I want to put it out there though for anyone else who might have been having the same issue!

If I'm not supposed to post this information here I apologize and feel free to delete my post.

I had to completely remove Securom from my computer and use a No-CD .exe to run the game and it runs absolutely perfectly!

I can't believe it I'm so happy!

#124 23-09-2015 
@Arily, there's nothing wrong with posting whatever solution fixes your game. This may not help everyone, but *some* others may benefit from it still, and that is what this forum is meant for anyways Smile

Removing SecuROM - or even making sure that it isn't even installed in the first place - is always a good thing, because this horrible tool usually disables CD-rom players that it doesn't like. And that's why No-CD.exe's exist: to prevent SecuROM from (re-)installing Smile

Anyway, thank you for your contribution; it's much appreciated by all!

#125 23-09-2015 
I was just so excited this worked for me. The main thing I learned was Windows 10 isn't compatible with Securom.

#126 25-09-2015 
I'm try play The Sims Life Stories, but I cannot make it work in windowed mode.
Can it be a problem from graphics?, Can someone help me?
My operating system is Windows 10 64 bits.
I have two graphics cards:
1- Intel HD Graphics 4600
2- Nvidia Geforce GTX 970M
I try to execute the game and I get a message with Direct3D error E_INVALIDARG! and then the app closes.
Thanks in advance!

#127 30-09-2015 
@Arily @BoilingOil, I'm having the exact same problem - please, can you tell me how to remove securom completely? I can't find anything that doesn't look sketchy and weird on google, and everyone seems to assume that you already know what to do!

If you could provide or help me find detailed instructions on the following, I'd really appreciate it:

-How to completely remove securom
-how to run the no-CD.exe thing that you did
-whether/how I have to run my game differently afterwards

Thank you!

#128 30-09-2015 
@Teru8, people should rely on Google's search facilities more often... Smile Click this link: Google search "SecuROM removal". The FIRST link on that page should help, but I'm sure many of the others also contain useful information.

Once you've downloaded the NoCD.exe and replaced the game's original .exe with it, you simply click the icon that you always clicked to start your game. Nothing changes about that. The new .exe will just do the same as the old one did - but without running the routine that reinstalls SecuROM again.

#129 30-09-2015 
I went to the official Securom support website and they already have a Securom removal tool. It did leave 1 registery behind. The program said it couldn't remove because I was currently logged on to that user. However I used a second program called TrashReg that did remove the one registery and it was completely removed from my computer no problems. Once you get the No-CD .exe and replace the .exe within your game directory just running the game normally should do the trick as the No-CD .exe will automatically bypass Securom. Without it if you run the game regularly Securom will automatically reinstall itself onto your system.

#130 01-10-2015 
Thank you! I did google it, but I wasn't totally sure that I didn't need a removal process specific to the Sims 2 UC, so that's why I ended up asking here (I apologise for the redundancy!) I've now removed SecuRom, but am not entirely sure abou tthe No Exe - I'll google first and report back if I'm still confused.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option