[split] DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics
#21 15-02-2017 

Well, the good news is that it isn't your hood or your CC that is corrupted that is causing the problem. So we can rule that out.

The bad news is that there's something going on in your program game folders that is causing the problems.

I'm not sure what that is - so what I need you to do is... Reinstall the game.

Save your My Documents/EA folder somewhere safe.

Uninstall the game completely first.

Just install the BASE GAME only. Attempt to start the game up - and if you have any luck with that - please attach the config-log.txt up here for me to look at. I need to see if there's something that I'm missing.

Whatever happens let me know.

#22 16-02-2017 

(15-02-2017 02:10 PM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @asimwen

Well, the good news is that it isn't your hood or your CC that is corrupted that is causing the problem. So we can rule that out.

The bad news is that there's something going on in your program game folders that is causing the problems.

I'm not sure what that is - so what I need you to do is... Reinstall the game.

Save your My Documents/EA folder somewhere safe.

Uninstall the game completely first.

Just install the BASE GAME only. Attempt to start the game up - and if you have any luck with that - please attach the config-log.txt up here for me to look at. I need to see if there's something that I'm missing.

Whatever happens let me know.

Hi there,

Ok. I will uninstall tonight, then begin reinstalling tomorrow. When you say "completely uninstall" are you referring to doing a manual uninstall? Or just using the Windows uninstall function? Here is something though that happened tonight. I have been struggling with learning Windows 10. I read numerous articles about the Administrator. I don't know if I did anything or not, but when I logged into my laptop tonight, there was user me, (who was the Administrator) then there was user Administrator. So I logged into user Administrator. The game is not installed on the Administrator desktop, so I will log into user asimwen and uninstall that. celebkiriedhel, I know you don't have Windows 10 but perhaps someone who happens across this posting could throw in a comment about that Administrator account.

#23 16-02-2017 

I have uninstalled the game, and reinstalled base game only. I launched the game, resolution went very low, and the game screen went to the upper left corner in a small box with an X. Unable to bring it up. I used Task Manager to close down the game. However, it did recreate all the folders, and a new log. Attached.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-2HR9CFR-config-log.txt (Size: 7.74 KB / Downloads: 439)

#24 16-02-2017 

How small was the box? was it 800x600? or much much smaller? If it was much smaller, then the problem is with windowed mode, you need to leave it in full screen mode.

Did you use the adminstrator account to install it? That's the one I want you to use for the moment - and we want to install it for all users.

OK. Keeping with just the base game and no CC, I want you to install these cards -

Graphics Card - Nvidia - Texture Fix - Max1920
Video Cards.sgr - Nvidia - 1c8c

Install it into
\Program Files (x86)\EA\The Sims 2 \TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\EA\The Sims 2 \TSData\Res\CSConfig\

Attempt to go into the game with these installed and tell me what happens.

#25 17-02-2017 

Thank you for your quick reply.

I uninstalled and reinstalled, as I did not use the Administrator user before. I installed for all users on the Administrator user.

I installed the cards outlined above in both places.

The game did this:

[Image: screenshot_zpse2nazuqd.jpg]

This is the low resolution, but no tiny box in the upper left of the screen. The background music was playing, but there was no display. I do not have the game in windowed mode. I have to use Task Manager to bring the game down.

Thank you,


#26 18-02-2017 

It is Saturday morning here in the US of A, no having to get up and run right out the door to work. Time to really sit down and take a hard look at this problem.

I managed to get the base game going, in beautiful resolution, gorgeous. I downloaded the graphics rule maker, read all the details for settings. Saved, ran, game still didn't work. I took a look at the log that generated and realized the game was still trying to use the Nvidia card. I went into the properties of the game, and clicked to use the Intel card. Said I did not have permission to do this, do it through the Nvidia control panel. So, I did that. I received all kinds of warnings from the Nvidia panel, but I ignored them.

Ran game again, still had 800X600 resolution with other options grayed out. Went back to the Graphics rule maker and entered the suggested texture memory number on the Device tab into the Force Texture Memory field. Game ran GREAT. FYI I have uploaded the log with the settings that worked. I think that I will continue to install the EPs and stuff packs, and try the game in between each installation. I will return to this forum with findings.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-2HR9CFR-config-log base game only.txt (Size: 9.13 KB / Downloads: 418)

#27 18-02-2017 

The Graphic Rules Maker over-wrote my graphic rules and video card. If you use mine, you can't use theirs that's why it worked, then it stopped working when you did the Graphic Rules Maker for NVidia. I set it up for the Intel Card. That's why I got you to do the base game first - so I could find out what card you were using. Sigh.

Now that you have a working Graphic Rules and Video Card, you can install all the expansion packs and stuff packs, and put the graphic rules and video cards.sgr in the final installed Config and CSConfig folders (Mansion and Gardens).

Alternatively - just run the Graphic Rules Maker when you get to the last expansion, with the Intel details. Both will work.

#28 19-02-2017 

Thank you so much for all your time and help. Without working with you on this I would not have known how to look at the logs to see what was happening. I have worked on this off an on all day. I would install each EP and stuff pack, installing the graphics rules and video card files along the way, and the open the game. It ran great every time. Until I got to Mansions and Gardens. I installed...then attempted to save the graphics rules and video card files, and for some reason it would not save to the M&G folder even tho it said it did. ??? Crazy. So I uninstalled, and went to the Admin user desktop to install. Over there, the Graphics Rules maker was able to install the new files into the folder. I don't know why it wouldn't work on the asimwen user desktop. At any rate, was able to get the game to run, computer set it to run on Vista ServicePack 2. Ran the Securom removal tool...now getting ready to install the no CD file.

Again, thank you so much. I could not have done this without your insight.



Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option