SIMS 2 UC Crashing
#11 21-05-2019 
I don't care if you torrent a game that is basically abandonware. As BO says, I don't know if you have all the files, so I can only give very generic advice. That popup can happen if you try to run the cracked exe from outside the original location. Is the exe in the tsbin? If it is on the desktop or something like that then this error can happen.

#12 21-05-2019 
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(21-05-2019 07:51 AM)leefish Wrote:  I don't care if you torrent a game that is basically abandonware. As BO says, I don't know if you have all the files, so I can only give very generic advice. That popup can happen if you try to run the cracked exe from outside the original location. Is the exe in the tsbin? If it is on the desktop or something like that then this error can happen.

Sims2EP9.exe is located in the TSBin folder. Tried launching it directly and via shortcut. Didn't work.

#13 21-05-2019 
You may need an alternative exe. Have you tried the ones at game copy world?

#14 21-05-2019 
(21-05-2019 07:17 AM)brokenspirit Wrote:  Tell that to 99 people downloading this repack right now -

Those 99 people are not asking us for help right here, are they? So I wouldn't need to tell them anything.

(21-05-2019 07:17 AM)brokenspirit Wrote:  It may be illegal for Western countries, but here in Ukraine or Russia people are not afraid of some piracy laws. I would say it is kind of a blessing for us, cause games are too expensive for an average men's salary here.

Yes, you may be in the Ukraine, but you're asking help from people in a Western country. We still have to abide by laws that are valid in our nation.
Anyway, since @leefish doesn't seem to care as much about that in this case (because EA/Origin doesn't support the game much anymore), and this is her board, I will abide by her rules, and not continue on this subject. Apparently, we are allowed to help you if we can. I offer you my sincerest apologies on that point, and will help you if I can.

(21-05-2019 07:17 AM)brokenspirit Wrote:  And my game isn't permanently broken as I only play CRACKED games and they all work perfectly. Even "The Sims 2" worked great when I previously downloaded it (I'm not sure whether it was on Windows 10 or Windows 7 before though). So it seems like something's wrong with the OS or those log files.

But this time it does NOT work. The thing is, are you sure you downloaded the exact same torrent from the exact same link? Because some of these torrents disappear and others take their place... The version that you downloaded before, may have been all right, but this one you're trying to use now, may still be a bad copy! We don't know, and you cannot know either.

(21-05-2019 07:17 AM)brokenspirit Wrote:  Speaking about the config-log.tx, I am not sure how to get it show any info apart from what I showed you. Even if I try adding something - every time I launch the game (giving me the same DirectX 9.0c error) it keeps deleting whatever I entered there reverting it back to the original state.

I know you can't get it to show what isn't there. But that is just the point: if the game doesn't put everything in the log-file that we need, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to figure out what's going wrong.

(21-05-2019 07:17 AM)brokenspirit Wrote:  I understand that you may not want to help me because of the piracy laws or whatever, but I'm the same kind of person with the same issue many of the people on this forum face. And I really need your help as this game is the classic one for me. It would be a shame to just forget about it and move on. I do not insist on anything, it would simply be nice of you to give me a hand.

Actually, it was not about whether I *want* to help. It was about whether I *can* help and whether I am *allowed* to help. Since @leefish is OK with it, I'll help if I can. At the time of my previous message, I didn't know her position so well. And your issue is a lot different from those of most other people: many of the others these days cannot be helped, even though they can show correct and complete files that tell us what's wrong. But *your* files don't show us everything wee need, so we have nothing much to go on. So it's mostly IMPOSSIBLE to help, even if we want to.
And my point about your Video Cards.sgr and Graphics Rules.sgr still stands: these files SHOULD be completely different, but the files that you attached, are EXACTLY the same. So you did do something wrong there...

I get that you need help, and I'm willing to provide it. But what can we do, if we do not know because important stuff is missing?

So yeah, first try @leefish's suggestion of a cracked exe. If the game gets to show more info in the log files, we can be more helpful. Or maybe @Kunder has some ideas that I do not know about?

#15 21-05-2019 
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I would like to ask something regarding the details about my video card NVIDIA GTX 760. Maybe it could help me. I've read this post -

It is said that you can manually add your video card to the config-log.txt file. Though I can't seem to find all of the details including Vendor, Device, Board and Chipset info. Is there any way I could check those? Tried googling and looking through my device manager though didn't find full details.

I will also attach two of my updated files Video Cards.sgr and Graphics Rules.sgr. They are different now and the Video Cards.sgr includes my video card. Didn't help but it's a start I hope.

Attached File(s)
.txt  Video Cards.sgr.txt (Size: 27.86 KB / Downloads: 384)
.txt  Graphics Rules.sgr.txt (Size: 34.36 KB / Downloads: 392)

#16 21-05-2019 
(21-05-2019 05:28 PM)brokenspirit Wrote:  I would like to ask something regarding the details about my video card NVIDIA GTX 760. Maybe it could help me. I've read this post -

It is said that you can manually add your video card to the config-log.txt file. Though I can't seem to find all of the details including Vendor, Device, Board and Chipset info. Is there any way I could check those? Tried googling and looking through my device manager though didn't find full details.

I will also attach two of my updated files Video Cards.sgr and Graphics Rules.sgr. They are different now and the Video Cards.sgr includes my video card. Didn't help but it's a start I hope.

Hi @brokenspirit,

I've checked your new Video Cards.sgr, -- which is the correct file, this time -- and it appears that your video card is indeed already listed there, just like you said.
Some --mostly older-- cards are in there, but other --newer-- cards are not.
When the game properly starts, it will check the hardware, read the Video Card's ID string -- the name --, and its Vendor- and Device- codes. It will then list those things in the config-log.txt.
THEN it will check the Video Cards.sgr, to see if the card is listed. If it is not, then it will write in the config-log that your card is not in the Database. Otherwise, it will repeat the card name from the Video Cards.sgr file.
So, as you may have guessed now, the Video Cards.sgr file is actually the Database that the game speaks of.

If your card is not listed, you can normally see that in the config-log, read the Vendor- and Device- codes and the ID string there too, and ADD those to the Database.
We don't need to add them in this case, because your card is already in the Database. The problem is, that your game crashes BEFORE it gets a chance to check that information. And therefor, that information is not even in your config-log. That is what I meant last time, when I said that crucial information is missing from the config-log. Your game crashes so fast, that we have not enough information to work with.

Maybe you should uninstall TS2, find and download a copy from a different torrent, and try again. Or indeed try what @leefish said, and find a cracked .exe that -- hopefully -- starts the game correctly.

#17 24-05-2019 
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I tried using some cracked .exe files though none of them worked. Still get the same DirectX 9.0c related error. Tried another copy from a different torrent - still nothing. It should be program related as other people who used that exact copy don't experience any of the issues I face.

Will try googling for other possible solutions.

#18 25-05-2019 

PM me. I'll direct you to one that I know for a fact, works.

#19 30-05-2019 
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(25-05-2019 12:22 AM)Kunder Wrote:  @brokenspiritt

PM me. I'll direct you to one that I know for a fact, works.

You didn't answer to my message. Did you get it?

#20 30-05-2019 

Sorry, family and I, went to Galveston for several days. Just PM'ed it to you.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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