Grocery Windows

I was playing The Sims3 and these windows on the Grocery Rabbithole caught my eye. I went to look in the catalog, but no window. Pah.
So I made them - for TS2
These are the master windows for an upcoming set.
If you like these windows you may also like these addons for them:
Larger Grocery Windows
Grocery Windows one on two
So I made them - for TS2

These are the master windows for an upcoming set.
If you like these windows you may also like these addons for them:
Larger Grocery Windows
Grocery Windows one on two
Prices, polys etc(Click to View)
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Filesize 74.06 KB |
File Name Grocery Windows by LeeFish.rar | # of Downloads 3,829
File Updated 14-12-2010
File Updated 14-12-2010
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