(30-08-2020 03:59 PM)CatherineTCJD Wrote: Yay Rob ^
...and - in case you didn't notice yet - Chrissy's windows do NOT have the super-cool sill like Lee's do (that match the original.) I think I ended up deleting all of her windows except for the 'sidelights'...
Happy simming!
I'll take a closer look later. I do like her big round windows better than anyone else's. They can be found at the Wayback Machine archive of the site she used to post to, here: https://web.archive.org/web/200803080106...ybuild.htm
Oh yeah... I forgot about those.
I hardly ever use them, but I have them (they didn't get deleted.) Thanks for reminding me! LOL
I hardly ever use them, but I have them (they didn't get deleted.) Thanks for reminding me! LOL

As far as Chrissy's Windows not having window sills, I actually did notice that a couple of days ago after I installed them, although it didn't register mentally until you mentioned it - so thanks for that. I've uninstalled all of her windows except the round ones and one that is tall and narrow that goes all the way to the floor, in which case you really don't want a sill anyway. That one was made to be placed next to a door. I've also kept her 1-tile and 2-tile doors with the glass inlays, which are nice.
Question: If I delete an object from in-game (using that little delete button in the lower right corner of a bin), say like those several windows I deleted today, does this also remove the associated package file from the downloads folder? It seems all the package files from Chrissy's windows that I deleted are actually still in the downloads folder, although since I still have a few of her items in my game, I'm not sure. I see package files for privacy windows which I know I deleted from in-game.
Is this discussion getting too topic-specific for the introductory forum? Should I start a topic somewhere?
Question: If I delete an object from in-game (using that little delete button in the lower right corner of a bin), say like those several windows I deleted today, does this also remove the associated package file from the downloads folder? It seems all the package files from Chrissy's windows that I deleted are actually still in the downloads folder, although since I still have a few of her items in my game, I'm not sure. I see package files for privacy windows which I know I deleted from in-game.
Is this discussion getting too topic-specific for the introductory forum? Should I start a topic somewhere?
(31-08-2020 05:14 AM)ScaryRob Wrote: If I delete an object from in-game (using that little delete button in the lower right corner of a bin), say like those several windows I deleted today, does this also remove the associated package file from the downloads folder?
I don't know the precise procedure the game follows when you remove a file using the catalogue. I only know that if multiple colours of the object are around, the game will usually only remove the selected color of the object, but keep the MESH around. In most other case, I'd defer to other, more knowledgeable people, if I were you,
AS for the most certain way to get rid of certain objects, it is to actually delete the files from the folder where you installed them. For this, however, it is recommended that you make double sure you remove the right files, that you have no active copies on any of your lots, and that no other files require them. This method also requires that you occasionally delete the thumbnail files, in order to get rid of Catalog Ghosts - invalid image appearances of items that are actually no longer there.
As to your last question... I've hung around here at Leefish for about 10, 11 years? As far as I'm aware, Leefish do not really have a very specific general help area. I certainly never found one. We have a specific hardware area, we have one for modding (sort of) we have some for non-Sims questions, but not - that I know of - for general Sims questions, which is what this seems to be. So, as long as Leefish herself does not protest, I think you're fine keeping the discussion where it started, Rob.
Happy Simmin'
(31-08-2020 09:16 AM)BoilingOil Wrote: I don't know the precise procedure the game follows when you remove a file using the catalogue. I only know that if multiple colours of the object are around, the game will usually only remove the selected color of the object, but keep the MESH around. In most other case, I'd defer to other, more knowledgeable people, if I were you,
AS for the most certain way to get rid of certain objects, it is to actually delete the files from the folder where you installed them. For this, however, it is recommended that you make double sure you remove the right files, that you have no active copies on any of your lots, and that no other files require them. This method also requires that you occasionally delete the thumbnail files, in order to get rid of Catalog Ghosts - invalid image appearances of items that are actually no longer there.
I think I might do this the bass-ackward way, by removing Chrissy's windows folder from my downloads altogether and going through it one by one, picking out the packages I know I want, then start the game and see if there's anything else I want, and then rinse and repeat. I've done this before, it isn't too bad because I keep my downloads folder very organized, with everything in subfolders. It does kind of suck that you have to restart the game in order for new cc objects to show in the bins, unlike Lots where all you have to do is change neighborhoods (unless someone knows different)
Sounds like a plan to me. At least THAT way, you're absolutely certain that all you get, is the files that you're going to use, and nothing else.
When first removing Chrissy's folder, though, do remember to also delete your BuildModeThumbnails.package.
When first removing Chrissy's folder, though, do remember to also delete your BuildModeThumbnails.package.
I hardly ever use the in-game delete button. When I do - it is for recolors, not meshes.
So many things are repositoried, I'd hate to delete an important mesh by mistake - so I make sure to delete the meshes on purpose from inside my DL folder.
It's often quicker to check things in SimPE than in the game - as far as checking what to keep/delete - after you've already vetted things out in the game.
If you turn on testingCheats while your in the game, you can write down the GUID/id# (sometimes it's a recolor, so not a GUID) then you can find it in SimPE and search/destroy from there easier than firing up the game again too.
Have fun!
So many things are repositoried, I'd hate to delete an important mesh by mistake - so I make sure to delete the meshes on purpose from inside my DL folder.
It's often quicker to check things in SimPE than in the game - as far as checking what to keep/delete - after you've already vetted things out in the game.
If you turn on testingCheats while your in the game, you can write down the GUID/id# (sometimes it's a recolor, so not a GUID) then you can find it in SimPE and search/destroy from there easier than firing up the game again too.
Have fun!

(31-08-2020 10:42 AM)BoilingOil Wrote: When first removing Chrissy's folder, though, do remember to also delete your BuildModeThumbnails.package.
What is the purpose of these thumbnail files and why would I want to remove any of them? I'm not familiar with this at all.
(31-08-2020 03:54 PM)CatherineTCJD Wrote: It's often quicker to check things in SimPE than in the game - as far as checking what to keep/delete - after you've already vetted things out in the game.
If you turn on testingCheats while your in the game, you can write down the GUID/id# (sometimes it's a recolor, so not a GUID) then you can find it in SimPE and search/destroy from there easier than firing up the game again too.
That's all Greek to me because I'm not familiar with SimPE at all.
Place all the windows you don't want on an empty lot, package. Then open it in Clean Installer and delete those files from your downloads folder.
(31-08-2020 05:54 PM)ScaryRob Wrote: What is the purpose of these thumbnail files and why would I want to remove any of them? I'm not familiar with this at all.
You don't know, so you ask questions instead of blindly doing what you're told. That is a GOOD thing. I like how you're curious about these things.
The thumbnails are the things you see listed when you open a catalogue. The BuildModeThumbnails, for example, show you all the door, windows, and other stuff that is available for you to use when you're in build mode. Every time when you install buildmode objects, as soon as the game finds them while you're browsing through the catalogue, it will put a picture of the item in the list, with some reference numbers.
The problem is, this works only one way: when you ADD stuff. But when you REMOVE stuff, the game doesn't see that it's gone, and it will just keep showing you *something*, even if it isn't valid.
Now on the one hand, having the Thumbnails packages is practical, because as a result it doesn't take so long for buildmode to open, and for the catalogues to appear when you need them.
But on the other hand, all the no-longer-existing stuff will get in your way, and you won't understand why the game isn't responding as you expect, when you click one of their pics.
So deleting the relevant Thumbnails.package (in this case, the BuildMode Thumbnails) simply forces the game to re-index all the items of that type as it encounters them.
I know you're not a player as much as you are a builder, so I imagine you won't have a lot of mods, if any at all. But if you do, you may have heard of deleting the groups.cache, every time you add, remove, or replace one or more mods. THis thing with the thumbnails is something similar. Your game responds better it you remove the BuilModThumbnails.package after removing some buildmode objects. The same goes for ObjectThumbnails and buy-mode items, or for CASThumbnails and all the stuff you use to create a sim!