- BoilingOil
Location: Leeuwarden, NL
Currently: Offline
- Date of Birth:23-03-1959 (65 years old)
About Me
Having started computing in the early '80s, I familiarised myself with BASIC, Pascal, Forth, C, C++, 6502 and Z80 machine code and Z80 assembler. Got my first (2nd hand) PC in '95, and learned DOS batch programming, enhanced with 4Dos.
I love playing games, but not for competition. Refused to get involved with the Sims for about 10 years, before I finally gave in, and now regret that I didn't get TS2 a few years sooner.
Hating many of the poor coding/design decisions of the EAxians, and with my programming background, it was only logical that I would eventually pick up SimPE and learn about SimAntics and BHAV coding...
I play TS2 Deluxe with all EPs and SPs except Nightlife (NL is included in the Deluxe set)
I love playing games, but not for competition. Refused to get involved with the Sims for about 10 years, before I finally gave in, and now regret that I didn't get TS2 a few years sooner.
Hating many of the poor coding/design decisions of the EAxians, and with my programming background, it was only logical that I would eventually pick up SimPE and learn about SimAntics and BHAV coding...
I play TS2 Deluxe with all EPs and SPs except Nightlife (NL is included in the Deluxe set)
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Terms of Use
I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.
Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.
But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.
Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.
But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.